AWWWright! I figured out the colored text deal. Now when I want more purple I know how to get it. Today Ken was sitting in the LR watching the tube and he realized that he was sitting there smiling. Smiling is something that we take for granted - it's just something we do. Ken hasn't smiled easily for 6 years. But he just spent a week VIBEing and is doing great. He is pain free, his face has it's feeling back, he can lift his right arm and windmill it and reached behind him to scratch his back. We have no idea how long this will last; but we are grateful for whatever we get. Our friends, the Conroy's, told us about the V.I.B.E. machine. The guy that has it in Cheyenne (it's made in Greeley, CO) visited the Brain Injury Association Conference where Kelle C. learned about it. We have been "going to go try it" for several months now. The statewide tour gave us the opportunity. I took Ken there 6 days where he worked up from 1 minute pulsing for 10 minutes to 10 minutes constant with 15 minutes in between. We noticed a difference in Ken the first evening. He had better range of motion in his neck and he could raise his right arm a little higher than his shoulder without it spasming out. (Yeah, I'm real technical.) OK here is the 5 cent description - You sit in a wooden chair (either facing or backwards) around this tall copper wiring/glass tube tower thing that sounds like a prolonged bug zapper. The zapping sound goes on as long as they set the timer for. You don't touch it; just sit there and wonder if Scotty is getting ready to Beam you up or something. While you sit there you drink water. You begin with "vibed" water and end up just refilling your bottle time after time from the well. THEN you know what you do? O come on, get a grip...............what comes natural after 2 quarts of h2O. The first day we did three sessions and by the end were doing 5 sessions. We do wonder if we could have stayed a month what good we would see.............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. OK so you don't understand bug zapper? So I guess you can go here: Gary Kelley is the guy in Cheyenne. He was vibeing his sick dog. It worked so well he not only has one machine, he has two. He has experimented back and forth for several years now vibeing folks left and right. He and his wife Nancy are great people. Before we head out this winter we shall spend time vibeing with them. (Gillette has 2 machines and we shall vibe there also.) We shall see how long this lasts. Ken hasn’t taken his noon pain meds for 10 days now…………..we shall see.
ME? Yeah, I vibed too, but I found out I can’t handle as much as Ken so I backed off. (If you don’t drink water it can make you nauseated, have diarrhea (MS Word says it’s spelled right?????), give you a headache, etc. The owner of the place where we are staying didn’t drink enough water and he experienced all of those and then some. OK I have to go rearrange the book shelves – I finally got the basement the way I want it so will rearrange the upper story to suit myself……………..this is an ongoing project I fear. OMG I just got an email from the girlchild – she created a my space for me………….Yet ANOTHER thing to try and figure out………….I hate it when I get an email that starts – Welcome. Below is your login info…………..G&M; S&F, I’m going to go clean. (G&M: groan and moan; S&F Stomp and Faunch) hmmmmm wonder what a faunch looks like?
Jul 30, 2008
Flittin', dippin', stompin'
Well, I have flitted, dipped, shied, stomped and faunched about a blog and getting it started. hmph! There is no time like the present - it can't continue unless I begin. Today we left Grandson Erick's (and new wife Vanessa :) ) place outside Ault, Colorado and headed to Cheyenne, enroute to Laramie..............but I jump ahead. Scroll down to July to get the current. You can always read this in some archival claptrap sometime. I'll mark it with PURPLE - image that!
Easter dinner for the workers. We will stay out at Rocky Point for the time being.
A short (yeah right) timeline..........March 1, 2008 moved into The Bus (as grandson KaCe calls it. TB for short) Moved out to watch over SIL and DIL's House for Sale as we worked to get out of the apartment. The pictures are of the late snowstorm. Needless to say it was a long, cold, wet spring and Ken was very miserable. I was miffed because I couldn't get outside and really rearrange the basement - So much for March. I won't get into what it was like to drive out of Rocky Point with the pkp trailing behind. Was it there? Is it following? Did you take the brake off? OMG I hit the bump too hard! blah blah blah.
April - Ken was to have cataract surgery in Colorado April 10th. Whitney and her two boys came with us and we stopped in Cheyenne. She and I will do some Wyoming Arts Alliance business and just generally do a little shakedown. Are'ya with me here?? Ken and me = 2 + Whitney = 3 + a 2.5 year old and an 6 month old infant + 5. Oops! Dad came down for the weekend =6. Hey! It worked out just fine, thank you very much. The table that Ken made to fit over the steering wheel and extending across the front was a life saver. There room enough for Ethan in his carrier and a spot for each of their clothes. We put the cover over the step; blew up a queen size mattress (yes it fits.) for Whitney (and Travis when he visited) on the floor. KaCe had a little cot in the kitchen and Ethan slept between Grandad and myself. Did I say that Cheyenne is early April was just like March in Gillette? Cold, wet & rainy. However the sun came out one weekend and I said - OUT with the washer/dryer. I know, I know there are many that think I'm nuts; but it's my peanut tree! So Whitney and I helped push, pull, groan and moan and the three of us got that sucker outahere! Now it will become Ken's closet (upper 1/3) and more storage for me (bottom 2/3). I love it. The next morning we awoke to 5" of snow, windy and did I say cold? Solution? Call grandson Erick and say, can we come early? He lived in Fort Collins, Colorado. Sure Grams, was the answer so when it warmed up a little we hitched up the pkp and away we went to a milder climate. Did I tell you it's my new favorite CO city in the winter? Great little town. Ken's surgery turned out well, we fed Erick's horse and dog while they went to MN for a weekend. (yup girlfriend Vanessa is now the wife. Great gal!) I rearranged the basement twice in April. As my friend Kathy would say, "Bins are your friend." And THAT was April.
May - We hooked it back to the DIL/SIL's house for sale in Gillette to ward off spooks and such.

Ken had to work on the Elk's books some more with Carla. The audit is due pretty quickly. We took a side trip to SD for Tyke & Kelle Conroy's daughter's wedding. Hannah was a beautiful bride and her brother Thomas, cleans up great too. So since it was warmer over in SD we decided to stay a little longer - besides we didn't have our DSN from Direct TV yet and I wanted to watch "Dancin' With The Stars!" Besides I could rearrange the basement again after we visited Menard's and Lowe's in Rapid City. We went back to Gillette in time to help celebrate granddaughter Kim's graduating from Casper College! Yippee! I rearranged the basement again on a warm day when the air was scented with the lilac's at the "House For Sale". And then the RAIN came......
June - I attended the Wyoming Arts Council Board meeting in Sundance and Hulet and managed to not drown in the water............rain, rain, we love rain. We mushed down to Casper so that Whitney and I could go to Denver June 9-14 for the National Performing Arts Convention
Labels: And so it begins
by pc
O my ever-loving duck! I hope I get this figured out before the next century... Let's get this finished up so we can move on. Oh yeah, forget the "purple type" will be 2110 before I get this harnessed.
OK so Ken took care of Ethan in TB and I have it on good authority they never left TB the whole week. They had a blast! KaCe stayed with Nana Kathy. Whit and I learned a LOT and got on the Denver volunteer base with a couple of cool event organizers. Whit left two days after we got back for Philadelphia. We took care of the two babes in TB! Moved back to Gillette in late June to get ready for Elks initiation for the Escapees group and start the RV Rally at CAM-PLEX. During that time we found out that we were successful in getting a grant to tour the state of Wyoming visiting as many bergs, towns, spots as we can to rally support for a statewide arts advocacy effort through Wyoming Arts Alliance. That little "part time" job is turning into a much bigger deal for both Whitney and myself. However, it is only time and it is fun. Escapees Escapade began June 25th (for us) and ended July 4th. It was great and I didn't even have time to rearrange stuff in the basement. lol a lot
July - We started the statewide tour with a bang! We have traveled down the entire eastern side of the state. We have seen some wonderful sight and met some awesome folks. For instance: 1) there are donation RV sites at most of the small towns down the east side. They are sponsored by the city (mostly) and you show your appreciation by leaving a donation. Most have 30A service but Torrington has 50A service.

2) on I-25 near Douglas is Ayre Natural Bridge. So beautiful. <
Hartville, Wyoming the oldest incorporated town still in existence.
3) Lusk is such a beautiful, peaceful town. We want to spend more time here.
4) the next time you are through Torrington go visit the winery. They get grapes from all over the state. Swede Ekberg in Gillette even grows grapes for the winery. We bought some SOB. 5) don't show up in Cheyenne during CF Days - you might have to go to Ault and visit your grandson to find a parking spot

and 6) there are a lot of crops grown in eastern WY - reminding us of the rolling hills in SE Washington on the OR/ID/WA border.
And now we are at exit 335 on I-80 watching the traffic go by. It's 8000' here and the view out the south in beautiful.
It's like we are on top of the world. It is so fun to watch people come and go. We will drop into Laramie tomorrow morning - today was a computer/phone catchup day. I figure that for every person I call on I have about 45 minutes of computer work to do to get them in the system and up-to-date. AND NOW I SHALL HIT PUBLISH AND see if it works.
Easter Dinner in the new Schram House. |
Easter dinner for the workers. We will stay out at Rocky Point for the time being.
A short (yeah right) timeline..........March 1, 2008 moved into The Bus (as grandson KaCe calls it. TB for short) Moved out to watch over SIL and DIL's House for Sale as we worked to get out of the apartment. The pictures are of the late snowstorm. Needless to say it was a long, cold, wet spring and Ken was very miserable. I was miffed because I couldn't get outside and really rearrange the basement - So much for March. I won't get into what it was like to drive out of Rocky Point with the pkp trailing behind. Was it there? Is it following? Did you take the brake off? OMG I hit the bump too hard! blah blah blah.
April - Ken was to have cataract surgery in Colorado April 10th. Whitney and her two boys came with us and we stopped in Cheyenne. She and I will do some Wyoming Arts Alliance business and just generally do a little shakedown. Are'ya with me here?? Ken and me = 2 + Whitney = 3 + a 2.5 year old and an 6 month old infant + 5. Oops! Dad came down for the weekend =6. Hey! It worked out just fine, thank you very much. The table that Ken made to fit over the steering wheel and extending across the front was a life saver. There room enough for Ethan in his carrier and a spot for each of their clothes. We put the cover over the step; blew up a queen size mattress (yes it fits.) for Whitney (and Travis when he visited) on the floor. KaCe had a little cot in the kitchen and Ethan slept between Grandad and myself. Did I say that Cheyenne is early April was just like March in Gillette? Cold, wet & rainy. However the sun came out one weekend and I said - OUT with the washer/dryer. I know, I know there are many that think I'm nuts; but it's my peanut tree! So Whitney and I helped push, pull, groan and moan and the three of us got that sucker outahere! Now it will become Ken's closet (upper 1/3) and more storage for me (bottom 2/3). I love it. The next morning we awoke to 5" of snow, windy and did I say cold? Solution? Call grandson Erick and say, can we come early? He lived in Fort Collins, Colorado. Sure Grams, was the answer so when it warmed up a little we hitched up the pkp and away we went to a milder climate. Did I tell you it's my new favorite CO city in the winter? Great little town. Ken's surgery turned out well, we fed Erick's horse and dog while they went to MN for a weekend. (yup girlfriend Vanessa is now the wife. Great gal!) I rearranged the basement twice in April. As my friend Kathy would say, "Bins are your friend." And THAT was April.
May - We hooked it back to the DIL/SIL's house for sale in Gillette to ward off spooks and such.

Ken had to work on the Elk's books some more with Carla. The audit is due pretty quickly. We took a side trip to SD for Tyke & Kelle Conroy's daughter's wedding. Hannah was a beautiful bride and her brother Thomas, cleans up great too. So since it was warmer over in SD we decided to stay a little longer - besides we didn't have our DSN from Direct TV yet and I wanted to watch "Dancin' With The Stars!" Besides I could rearrange the basement again after we visited Menard's and Lowe's in Rapid City. We went back to Gillette in time to help celebrate granddaughter Kim's graduating from Casper College! Yippee! I rearranged the basement again on a warm day when the air was scented with the lilac's at the "House For Sale". And then the RAIN came......
June - I attended the Wyoming Arts Council Board meeting in Sundance and Hulet and managed to not drown in the water............rain, rain, we love rain. We mushed down to Casper so that Whitney and I could go to Denver June 9-14 for the National Performing Arts Convention
Labels: And so it begins
by pc
O my ever-loving duck! I hope I get this figured out before the next century... Let's get this finished up so we can move on. Oh yeah, forget the "purple type" will be 2110 before I get this harnessed.
OK so Ken took care of Ethan in TB and I have it on good authority they never left TB the whole week. They had a blast! KaCe stayed with Nana Kathy. Whit and I learned a LOT and got on the Denver volunteer base with a couple of cool event organizers. Whit left two days after we got back for Philadelphia. We took care of the two babes in TB! Moved back to Gillette in late June to get ready for Elks initiation for the Escapees group and start the RV Rally at CAM-PLEX. During that time we found out that we were successful in getting a grant to tour the state of Wyoming visiting as many bergs, towns, spots as we can to rally support for a statewide arts advocacy effort through Wyoming Arts Alliance. That little "part time" job is turning into a much bigger deal for both Whitney and myself. However, it is only time and it is fun. Escapees Escapade began June 25th (for us) and ended July 4th. It was great and I didn't even have time to rearrange stuff in the basement. lol a lot
July - We started the statewide tour with a bang! We have traveled down the entire eastern side of the state. We have seen some wonderful sight and met some awesome folks. For instance: 1) there are donation RV sites at most of the small towns down the east side. They are sponsored by the city (mostly) and you show your appreciation by leaving a donation. Most have 30A service but Torrington has 50A service.

2) on I-25 near Douglas is Ayre Natural Bridge. So beautiful. <

3) Lusk is such a beautiful, peaceful town. We want to spend more time here.

4) the next time you are through Torrington go visit the winery. They get grapes from all over the state. Swede Ekberg in Gillette even grows grapes for the winery. We bought some SOB. 5) don't show up in Cheyenne during CF Days - you might have to go to Ault and visit your grandson to find a parking spot

and 6) there are a lot of crops grown in eastern WY - reminding us of the rolling hills in SE Washington on the OR/ID/WA border.
And now we are at exit 335 on I-80 watching the traffic go by. It's 8000' here and the view out the south in beautiful.

Jul 5, 2008
Happy Birthday America!
The expression on this little boy's face says it all. It is a great day for a birthday part!! Woo-hoo!
Kylie and KaCe sit on Whit's lap and enjoy the parade.
The grins just keep on coming. Ethan Jacob you are too cool!
Get this hat off me............
Here comes the Elks wagon with Uncle Ronnie riding in it. Jim Zimmershied own the team and wagon.
Uhhhh! Did we get the wrong number on here? Yes; but only on one. Have to have that remedied.
See'ya next year Unca Ronnie.
Kylie and KaCe sit on Whit's lap and enjoy the parade.
The grins just keep on coming. Ethan Jacob you are too cool!
Get this hat off me............
Here comes the Elks wagon with Uncle Ronnie riding in it. Jim Zimmershied own the team and wagon.
Uhhhh! Did we get the wrong number on here? Yes; but only on one. Have to have that remedied.
See'ya next year Unca Ronnie.
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