We made it to Rawlins. Stopped and got a tour of the Saratoga Community Center. The theater seats 400 and is beautiful. They, however, do not book events in the usual way. They are only working about 60 days out. It works for them as artists want to perform in Saratoga so contact them.
When we got to the Interstate at Walcott Junction I unhooked the pkp and headed out to talk with folks in Hanna, Elmo, Medicine Bow and Rock River with a nod at Arlington McFadden and Elk Mountain as I completed the circle, hooked up and headed on to Rawlins. My great neice, CeeJae, lives here with her husband and brand new baby, Kendall. Kendall is three weeks old weighing in at about 5# 8oz. Cute, petite girl. Bro Ron and wife Bev will be over the moon to see her for the first time this weekend as CeeJae/Chuck take her to Campbell County to show her off. We had a great visit and I sent the CJ Box book with her to Ronnie.(Will attempt a picture here.)
Not feeling well on Tuesday morning I stayed in bed; but got up and out at 1 pm. Meet 2 good prospects and met with three more today, including going to Wamsutter. Wamsutter is a town, in progress. Their population has exploded with much more growth predicted. They are creating a "town" now instead of waiting like other communities in Wyoming did. They have learned from others and do not want to play the "let's catch up" game. We will leave for Lander tomorrow. I need to input several folks into the system; do more research on relevant Arts Advocacy sites and prepare for the WyAA Board Retreat next week.
Friday before I lost cyber signal, I noticed an email from Trend Micro - concerning a virus email from Americans for the Arts.............hmmmmmmmmmm this is strange........hmmmmmmmm forward email to whitney for clarification..........pushed s for send and had forgotten about it by the time we were back into cyberland. Bad, bad me! Long story short, email stuck in outbox (unsent); Whitney opened it wrongly at 2am Monday (up with cranky, teething child) and watched her Quickbooks program get eaten in front of her eyes................ By the time I got online I saw the UNSENT email. She had already called AFTA - It had come from Americansforthearts DOT NET not org!! Ho Hum! We now have more security measures in place about the company books. Learning turns; learning turns.
As we're leaving tomorrow I had to get TB clean. Don't take dirt with you is our moto so I spent some time doing the dust bunny dance along with the bathroom bop. Have I mentioned HOW much I'm appreciate NOT having carpet everywhere? Dust it; mop it; shine it and wa-la a clean floor.
It rained intermittently throughout the afternoon so Ken couldn't do a little project he had in mind about hooking up Satellite TV. It quit about 7 pm so he is now in the middle of it taking up parts and place throughout. Oh well, like we have anything else to do tonight. I usually watch tv at night while I'm at the computer; turning the tv just so , so that I can watch the reflection through the office window. (The office window is the dining room window which is the same window as KaCe's bedroom window when he stays over. Multi-talented vehicle, TB.
I will work on finding those bleeding pictures and posting them this weekend. Well, let's see if there is a picture!