Whew! What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been. We had been in Casper trying to crawl out from under a "boatload of lemons" that got dumped on us. It took several weeks but we are slowly turning the lemons into lemonade. Too bad the sugar is so expensive though!! :) During the work hiatus we got to spend time with the little grandsons KaCe and Ethan. It is the first time we have been able to just be grandparents. We have one of those blended families where 2nd batch of children are/were younger than some of their nieces/nephews. Anyway, we spoiled them; then sent them inside to the folks. I'm beginning to have a problem with being gone over the Christmas Holidays. Hmmmmmm! Will see where this ends up.
We learned lesson #122 about tank dumping. We were dumping at Casper's Flying J. They don't have water there. Hmmmmmmm! - Yup we realized that it wasn't getting totally empty. Hmmmmm! Exciting was not quite it; but we went to stay at the KOA to get them cleaned good. Hmmmmmmmm! Dear, should the "stuff" be coming out around the pipes??? Hmmmmmm! Gadfly, let's move over the the other dump where there is cement we can hose it down. Quick! Quick! Ahhhhhhhhhh the short little move got it dislodged and we had very little spillage. The lesson is we WON"T be dumping at Flying J any more.
We moved to Gillette the 22nd of September. We went out to our friends the Graves. They are out of town 8 miles. Since we saw them last they have accumulated 5 horses, 3 geese and who know how many chickens.
Jeanette is a County Animal Control Officer, Keith is in methane gas industry, Kayla is a junior in high school and Kyle is in England in the Air Force. Kyle and K.C. were good friends and Kyle has been so kind in keeping up with us. I can't believe that K.C. would have been 20 this year. It has been some blind-siding moments.
It was cool to watch the horses and the antelope wander around the place. There are 13 does and 1 buck. The buck spends his days keeping the gals rounded and chasing the "no account young" buck away. He managed to gather another 10 does around the first of October. Too bad he couldn't manage to keep them. He played "King of the Hill" a lot. Being out that far was so good as I had to plod right along to get everything printed, gathered, collated, etc for the conference in Torrington. Several reams of paper and numerous ink cartridges later I left for Torrington on October 2nd. I motored down the road fat, dumb and happy listening to my books on MP3.
Then I got the call. Ken thought I should go straight to Casper on Sunday, park the pkp and get the license for it. @!#@#! Great! I was running around with no license. Oh well, nothing to do but keep on keeping on. All was well and I made it back to the MH all licensed up.

Went back to Casper on the 9th to deal with more "lemonade" making and to celebrate Ethan's first birthday. Whit had the cake made from cupcakes in a Winnie the Poo theme. Ethan, KaCe and Kiley sure did like those cupcakes. Travis' nephews came over so there were 8 kids there. It snowed Friday night and we managed to get through the roads and back to the MH by 5:30 Saturday night. It blew and snowed until about noon on the 12th.

We moved into Gillette the 13th. We didn't want to be in the way of the builders that came 5 days early to construct some sheds/barns at the Graves'. Next weekend is the Elks Roping (the reason we are STILL in Wyoming) and we need to get ready for it.

YIPPEE!!! Erick and Vanessa are having a girl! Our first Great-grandchild. We will be stopping off and seeing them on our way to New Mexico. Grandma Lori is already buying girls stuff.
Cold, snow and now we had the air conditioner on this afternoon. We must still be in Wyoming. :)