Jun 30, 2009
Wallowa Oregon
The view from an outhouse......................

Then we saw another interesting one up Smith Fork out of Alpine Wyoming. Entrance and exit into this one appears to be very tricky and I'm not sure the environmentalists would really be in favor of this one being used. I'm not sure the view would rate either.
Finally, the queen mother of outhouses. If O.H.'s are female that is.
But hey, there is inflaction and 10 cents isn't too bad with the VIEW you get.
If you go in early enough and stay there long enough the elk will eventually be right in front of you.
Jun 27, 2009
Hummingbirds and MORE Elk (maybe)! In Oregon

Same view with elk of all ages. More babies. Such fun to watch them play King of the Field. Look closely & you can see more getting ready to come out of the trees in the background. Ahhhhhh! Life is good!

We were going to stay at an RV Park; but my cousin assured me The Bus could get in AND out of their place in Sumpter; so we are parked among beautiful trees overlooking green pastures just waiting for the elk to get used to us and again come down to the house. What a great place they have. This is the "main house".

Wes and Cindy had a "do" to go to so we spent our time trying to get the perfect hummingbird picture - and we continue to try and accomplish this task. Ahhhh! Life is good!
Elk in the backyard. Birds on the front porch. Can't get much better than that. Unless of course it would be grandchildren or neices and nephews
Finally there is the balancing rock which is still balancing. I rode the bus to school under this rock and was sure it would fall down before I was old. Well, guess what? That rock has been there for 60 years and probably has another 60 in it.

Jun 26, 2009
The Seventh Anniversary
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Getting ready to go down the Salmon River |
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K.C. loved to wrestle. |
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Football with Kyle |
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He was a good singer and not bad actor |
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K.C.'s 13th Birthday a Casa Del Rey Tradition!! |
We are proud to be from Wyoming which is one of the top 20 states for designated organ donors through the DMV. We are also proud to be an organ donor family. Our 13 year old son, brother, nephew, cousin and friend K.C. would be proud to know how much good his earthly body did after he was done with it. More information is available by googling organ donation or go to: http://www.donatelife.net/donante/DLA+Report+Card+2009.pdf
Jun 25, 2009
New shoes, change oil, and another new phone
Jun 23, 2009
Leaving WY for drier climate?? We can only hope!
Well, well Ken CAN get out of bed before 9:30-10 o'clock. He was bright eyed and bushy-tailed at 7 am. He was ready to find a drier climate and we left Fort Bridger at 8:10 for Middleton, Idaho. Of course we had plan B ready if we didn't want to go that far. However, we made it to cousin Ben Mills about 4 pm. Ben and LaDonna came to visit us in September of 2002 while Ken still had his halo on. Although I was stressed about them coming when we were so wrapped up in work, school and getting Ken to PT everyday they were such a blessing. Ben likes to cook and it seemed that they had brought their entire garden to our house. He took over the cooking and taxiing Ken back and forth. They stayed about a week and we were sorry to see them leave. Every time we come travel west we stop and visit them in Middleton. Ben is alone now as LaDonna didn't survive cancer. He has a beautiful place that he has fixed up to be as low maintenance as it comes even the huge garden he keeps. His youngest grandson was there and I taught him to play golf (cards). Tomorrow we're going to tackle learning another game.
Jun 20, 2009
Happy 69th to Brother Ron!
Gadfly! I haven't a clue why the pictures aren't doing what I want. Someday I'll get somewhere where there is real wifi and maybe I can fix it.
Have you ever wondered if big bull elk or moose ever get tired of holding those big horns up? This is the first time we've ever seen one resting.
And then he woke up.

Of course it's the only one we have pictures of so it better be the favorite.
Visited Mountain View today. Rather a different community. I haven't run into one quite like this. Polite, friendly; but different. Can't quite put my finger on it. My word they certainly have been busy putting up power wind generators in Uinta County. We wonder just how much they generate and how far the electricity has to go. Ramble, ramble..................
Jun 19, 2009
I wonder if it'll rain in Fort Bridger..............
Jun 17, 2009
Kemmerer - a new high in high..........
Jun 15, 2009
Red Barns, Blue Barns and Old Cars!
Ahhh! Here are the nice red barns. So cute side by side. I don't think I've ever seen a blue barn. Why are barns always red? This blue one is quite nice. Then I stopped for gas and look what pulled in beside me. They were on a trip dressed up in long coats, woolen hats and gloves. They removed the seat to put the gas in. I wonder if they put unleaded or premium in
Oh yes. Gunnar's Pizza in Alpine Wyoming. We got the best pizza we have even eaten at Gunnar's. It was so good that we went back the next night and we don't do pizza very often.
Jun 14, 2009
Just can't get enough of that searching, searching
We well be leaving here heading for Kemmerer and point south. I have appointments in Afton and Star Valley Ranch on the way. It is still raining and cold. I use the heater every morning and evening. Oh well, the reservoirs certainly need the moisture.
Jun 13, 2009
Happy 37th to us!
Jun 10, 2009
Grey's River Wildlife!
Then we wander on seeing deer here
Just about the time it is to
Jun 9, 2009
Ranting 102 - Mindless Driving!
We part ways - for a few days!
Two mad mama elk. "Get away from our babies you morons!"
Jun 7, 2009
Snow in June - it MUST be Wyoming!
Holy Guacamole! Three days without the internet or cell. Amazing! We have had such a good time even though Ken’s pain level has skyrocketed to about a 9; but he knows we won’t be back here so is gritting his teeth and moving on. We watched a movie this morning and left to explore about 2 pm. Drove the east side of the park up to Monmouth in a circle back to Fishing Bridge (stayed there as we are too long for the other cg’s.) Today the rain stayed away until late afternoon and we were able to do a couple of walks looking out over the Canyon.In spite of his
eye problems, Ken spotted a loan elk WAAYY over in laying in the middle of a small clearing. I took a picture of it. Why? Because I could! You can even tell it is an elk. (It is the small things that keep the FTer Retiree happy. J New toy, remember.) There are new walkways in several areas. We have had a marvelous time in YNP. The lake is so HUGE – especially this year. Water, water, water everywhere!There are trees growing out of the river – no land in sight. Obviously this isn’t a typical year. 29 years in Wyoming and this is the FIRST time we have stopped to “smell the flowers”. There are new lookouts over the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Magnificent! Beautiful colors of the rock formations as they have sloughed off. We have managed to not harm one another as we learn the new camera. Ken doesn’t have the best use of his right hand thumb and first figure, so not shaking the camera has been an obstacle for him at the fine zoom mode. Thus we have purged many a picture but we have some wonderful keepers.I think I’m going to do the web album thing – Olympus or Picasa3; Olympus or Picasa3………………It’ll be a surprise and will depend solely on which one I figure out first. It is baby season and we have managed to spy quite a few babies.
To date we have seen buffalo, antelope,
deer, elk, geese, pelicans and a mouse.
Yes, I said mouse NOT moose. Of course we have seen many STUPID people. Walking up to buffalo – they must not have read their history about the fact that the Indians had to outsmart the buffalo as their horses couldn’t keep up with the buffalo at a 30 mph sprint. Nice, bull!Nice, bull.
June 7, 2009
Woke up to 3” of snow on the vehicles this a.m. I’m getting ready to venture out and see what the road report is. We might not hook up the Pkp this morning. We are to leave to go south through Grand Teton NP on to Moran. Then we’ll spend the rest of the day ‘ploring GTNP.We found a road down through it we never knew about let along drove on it. I told him he needs to keep thinking – Moose! Moose! Moose! By the time we got ready to go it had really started to snow and it was sticking - to the tune of about 5".
We had decided to hook up the toad and prayed that we could get down to a lower elevation with no physical or property accidents. We realized that our new tires were going to pay for themselves RIGHT NOW! Traction is what we were going to need. About 3/4 of a mile from a smallish hill we met a 5wheeler that gave us the slow down problems ahead hand signals, so I pulled it down to about 10 mph and around the corner vehicles were sliding to stops, etc. Folks were locking brakes coming down the hill (no slick driving experience). Ken drove the MH in case we had to unhook. That way he could stay inside. Slowly everyone got going and we waited until a van was about out of sight before we started out. We took off with no problems but around the corner we saw we were doomed. The two vans in front of us were overpowering with the footfeeds and had the road plugged. There was a 5wheeler stopped in the downhill lane off to the far right. Yup! We pulled it to a stop. I got out to unhook. A 5 wheeler behind us came and helped me. I had it in 4WD. A MH had unhooked it's toad and the wife was slowly coming down the hill first with him right behind. She began to slide and she locked up the brakes and here she came. I yelled to get off the brake but she was petrified. I slammed it in gear and went forward and the guy behind me ran over and pushed the front end down and she went onto the side of the road without hitting either of us. The pavement was warm and after everyone would sit a couple of minutes the ice was gone and if they didn't floorboard it they could ease up the hill without spinning their wheels. I stopped the downhill traffic at the top of the hill and waved Ken to come on. He and the other 5 wheeler eased over the hill and kept going. THEN the snow plow came with the Park Service person. What a day! We proceeded with no problems. Ended up at an RV park west of Moran, took a nap and went animal hunting. We went down through GTNP on a road we hadn't been on. The mountaians up closer were beautiful.
Saw lots of elk, two bull moose, lots of deer and torqued off two cow elk. We couldn't see their babies; but we knew we were close by the way they acted
. The bulls/bucks are in velvet but you can see how big they're going to be by the foundat that is beginning.