Lori's dad isn't doing well. He now has a colon blockage and may have to do another major surgery on him today. She and Melody are in Rapid so Ken is doing the freight pickup for Kevin and Kirk. Two major surgeries in less than two weeks isn't good. Praying he made some progress overnight. Before I could get this posted we got the word that Jack will be going back into surgery. Praying all will be good.
I am still watching the boys as Whitney learns about government compliance; bug eradication; roof management, etc. at the Village at Gillette. One of our supposed friends tried to make trouble for her but was thwarted. I think I need to update my entry on viral friends.
I go to their apt most days. Monday the boys wanted hotdogs for lunch. KaCe wanted catsup on his so I zigzagged the bun, flopped on the weiner and handed it to him. He looked at the plate then at me shrugged and went to the table to eat. Tuesday he wanted another dog. However their were specific instructions: Grams you need to put catchup in two (holding up two finger for emphasis) LINES not squiggly like yesterday. AND you need to make another line on TOP of the wiener. Almost 62 and still learning how to make a hot dog.
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Whitney2 and Alexa - GGD #3 |
Ken has been over to Mike's to visit with Mona twice. I, of course, CAN'T go as I'm watching the boys. Hey it's my story. However I HAVE made her a DVD of all pertinent pictures from the past. They have hashed out several things and he has given her much to think on. During the first visit she said she sure wished she had had more couseling. His response was you got what was available which in 1976 was a "social worker" who was also a personal friend. Counseling wasn't readily available in rural Oregon. During the second one she acknowledged that she'd never thought about that. Her S.O.'s name is Mike and he found a job on one of the mine sites. They want to save to get into a house so will be staying at Mike/Rachel's for a few months. Rachel had a pg scare (Alexa is only 3 months old). We are all relieved to hear it was just a scare. Three babies in less than 3 years wouldn't be good for her health.
And then there is Lucky. She called her dad last night to tell him she was home; that the pancreatic cancer has spread to her liver; she will be doing 2 rounds of chemo shortly. AND they talked about Caleb and Eli. I have been waiting to find out what could happen in the next few months so haven't called Jean and Robert. Last night we called them.
Caleb turned 18 in Feb and will be a senior this year. After living in a group home for awhile he is back with the family doing good. He is big - over 6 feet and 220+ lbs. Jean has fought for this boy for years; but it is paying off. A doc up there finally gave them a diagnosis for him. He weighed over 10 lbs at birth; the cord was wrapped around his neck; he had swallowed meconium (?) and came out in respiratory distress. They now feel that his brain was starved for oxygen too long. Finally - something that makes sense to us all. Jean fought for 14+ years to give him the best schooling and preparation for life. They have accomplished that. He is on SSI; understands that he need to save some money for "later"; and will do okay in life,.
Elijah is 16 and a huge PIA to Jean. He will be a junior this fall. He also knows how to push Caleb's buttons which was one of the reasons Caleb was out of the house for awhile. At this point Jean/Eli just want to beat each other up so Robert has taken the lead there. :) Teenagers! That sure does bring back memories of the battles Lucky and I used to have. My final Rule for her was: You communicate with your dad. If you don't hash out what you want out before he leaves for work at 3 pm then the answer is NO. And if you walk out the door on me I will make two calls. The first to the police to report a runaway and request you be turned over to the judge as a child we can't handle and the second will be to the locksmith to change the locks on the door. THEN - we'll discuss IF you come back into this house. Ahhh yes teenagers. I remember when I was that age and my folks had this really HOT Olds 98 (or was it 88?) What I did in that car...........(shudder)!
Anyway we wanted Jean/Robert to have some notice so they can decide how/when to tell them about Lucky. They have always told them they would know ALL their history when they turn 18. Lucky asked for pictures and I'm thinking she might even get a Skype call when we visit in September. The boys will ultimately have to decide what/how they want to proceed.
We are contemplating going to the Oregon coast next summer and then coming back through the north way to visit them. Of course that depends upon the weather (crappy this year) AND the price of fuel.