Jul 28, 2011

Hotdog creating instructions and other tidbits...

Summer seems to have come to WY.  We are using the air conditioner often; however is does cool off at night.  I am scurrying to finish all my SW so I can pick something to take to the fair - next Wednesday. Hurry hurry.
Lori's dad isn't doing well.  He now has a colon blockage and may have to do another major surgery on him today.  She and Melody are in Rapid so Ken is doing the freight pickup for Kevin and Kirk.  Two major surgeries in less than two weeks isn't good.  Praying he made some progress overnight. Before I could get this posted we got the word that Jack will be going back into surgery.  Praying all will be good.

I am still watching the boys as Whitney learns about government compliance; bug eradication; roof management, etc. at  the Village at Gillette.  One of our supposed friends tried to make trouble for her but was thwarted.  I think I need to update my entry on viral friends.

I go to their apt most days.  Monday the boys wanted hotdogs for lunch.  KaCe wanted catsup on his so I zigzagged the bun, flopped on the weiner and handed it to him.  He looked at the plate then at me shrugged and went to the table to eat.  Tuesday he wanted another dog.  However their were specific instructions:  Grams you need to put catchup in two (holding up two finger for emphasis) LINES not squiggly like yesterday.  AND you need to make another line on TOP of the wiener.   Almost 62 and still learning how to make a hot dog.

Whitney2 and Alexa - GGD #3

Ken has been over to Mike's to visit with Mona twice.  I, of course, CAN'T go as I'm watching the boys. Hey it's my story.   However I HAVE made her a DVD of all pertinent pictures from the past.   They have hashed out several things and he has given her much to think on.  During the first visit she said she sure wished she had had more couseling.  His response was you got what was available which in 1976 was a "social worker" who was also a personal friend.  Counseling wasn't readily available in rural Oregon.  During the second one she acknowledged that she'd never thought about that. Her S.O.'s name is Mike and he found a job on one of the mine sites.  They want to save to get into a house so will be staying at Mike/Rachel's for a few months.  Rachel had a pg scare (Alexa is only 3 months old).  We are all relieved to hear it was just a scare.  Three babies in less than 3 years wouldn't be good for her health.

And then there is Lucky.  She called her dad last night to tell him she was home; that the pancreatic cancer has spread to her liver; she will be doing 2 rounds of chemo shortly.  AND they talked about Caleb and Eli.  I have been waiting to find out what could happen in the next few months so haven't called Jean and Robert.  Last night we called them.

Caleb turned 18 in Feb and will be a senior this year.  After living in a group home for awhile he is back with the family doing good.  He is big - over 6 feet and 220+ lbs.  Jean has fought for this boy for years; but it is paying off.  A doc up there finally gave them a diagnosis for him.  He weighed over 10 lbs at birth; the cord was wrapped around his neck; he had swallowed meconium (?) and came out in respiratory distress.  They now feel that his brain was starved for oxygen too long. Finally - something that makes sense to us all.  Jean fought for 14+ years to give him the best schooling and preparation for life. They have accomplished that.  He is on SSI; understands that he need to save some money for "later"; and will do okay in life,.

Elijah is 16 and a huge PIA to Jean.  He will be a junior this fall.  He also knows how to push Caleb's buttons which was one of the reasons Caleb was out of the house for awhile.  At this point Jean/Eli just want to beat each other up so Robert has taken the lead there.  :)  Teenagers!  That sure does bring back memories of the battles Lucky and I used to have.  My final Rule for her was:  You communicate with your dad.  If you don't hash out what you want out before he leaves for work at 3 pm then the answer is NO.  And if you walk out the door on me I will make two calls.  The first to the police to report a runaway and request you be turned over to the judge as a child we can't handle and the second will be to the locksmith to change the locks on the door.  THEN - we'll discuss IF you come back into this house.  Ahhh yes teenagers.  I remember when I was that age and my folks had this really HOT Olds 98 (or was it 88?)  What I did in that car...........(shudder)!

Anyway we wanted Jean/Robert to have some notice so they can decide how/when to tell them about Lucky.  They have always told them they would know ALL their history when they turn 18.  Lucky asked for pictures and I'm thinking she might even get a Skype call when we visit in September.  The boys will ultimately have to decide what/how they want to proceed.

We are contemplating going to the Oregon coast next summer and then coming back through the north way to visit them.  Of course that depends upon the weather (crappy this year) AND the price of fuel.

Jul 20, 2011

The best laid plans...........and all that

What a week! Hayden came for a visit, Kevin's truck got here, Lori's dad had major surgery & it appears that Whitneytoo is back!  The Snapon truck swap has been scheduled many time since June 25th.  All of the schedules included many hands to do the work.  Maybe that was just too many hands.  The bottom line was the truck got here Sunday with Kev, Ken, Adam, Phil and Jaci helping out.  Where were the rest of us???  Kim is working the Roder (9:30a-9:30p); Erick and I spent 10 hours taking Hayden to her mom; Lori went over to SD to help her dad.  Saturday night Mike/Rachel/Andy and Alexa came over to see Hayden.  I love this first sequence of interaction between Papa Kevin and Andy.  She was helping, pushing buttons here and there over and over.  She flitted in and out for about 20 minutes.  Poke, punch, see this Papa.  He finally just gave up!   

Mike Gson #2, Andy and Lori.

Hayden and Andy

Erick, Hayden and I got to Ft Collins two hours early.  Why?  Why to have lunch with Whitneytoo!!  And she cheerfully took the help wanted ads that Erick brought for her.  She'll be up next weekend.  Yup I'ma thinking we just might have two Whitney's after all.  Hayden spotted her first and yelled, (what else) Mama!
 Back in Gillette the changeover schedule went something like this: 4:30-10:30 pm Sunday; 5:30a-9:30p and the new truck is ready to rollout on Tuesday.  Then Gdad and I collapse.  Kevin can't collapse - he has to work!  And Lori's dad's surgery went well.  I think he may come here next to recover for a couple of weeks.  Yup!  Gizoo is thumping along!  OMG!  I'm hearing noise about another GGbaby!  More on THAT later!

Jul 14, 2011

Puttering along

 Well, life is puttering along here in Wyoming.  NHSFR registration began today so we went out to eat last night.  I know the routine and will go get groceries after 9 pm; won't go out to eat until the 24th; will plan all my trips to miss every road that leads to CAM-PLEX or downtown.  (I'll gonna have to think about that one.)  Before the nuttiness starts Grandad took KaCe on a coal mine tour.  As KaCe says, "Out where you worked when you were little?"  mmmmm Yup!

KaCe was suitably impressed. Well as impressed as a 5 year old can be.  Next Wednesday it will be Ethan's turn.  Hmmm!  Wonder if Gdad will volunteer for that one?  Hmmm.

Wednesday Lori and I left at 7 am to drive to Ft Collins to pick up Hayden.  Gotta give V. kudos.  She was on time and the exchange went smooth.  We hopped in and headed to Daddy in Gillette with a quick stop at Mickey D's.  I absolutely love this picture of Lori.

While we were gone Gdad decided to go visit his eldest daughter.  Since he was in a coma the last time we all saw her it had been 14 years since the last visit.  It went okay.  She was shocked that he came to see her.  Time will tell.  He took the boyfriend job hunting and Wiley proceeded to throw up on him.............. 
The news from Colorado Springs is not good.  Lucky has stage IV pancreatic/breast cancer.  They put a pic line in her yesterday and started morphine.  I've been looking at her Facebook and the pain has been around for several months.  She had a double mastectomy in 2004.  I'm so sorry she is going to suffer even more.

THIS is one happy Nana!

The boys got the road quilt out today and NO Kace is not sitting ON Aedan - but he sure had a good time. 

And on the truck front - it's supposed to be here Saturday morning.  (That sounds like a salesman talking.)  Gonna be another busy weekend.  I'll ride down and back with Erick on Sunday so he doesn't have to go alone.  Of course I'll be SWing.  I'm still not in jail and am down a few more pounds.  I LOVE SW!!

Jul 8, 2011

Keep your head and your mouth shut.....CAN I do that?

DISCLAIMER: This began as a simple account and I think ended up being a small rant.  Don't feel bad you can bypass this posting.  

Well it's going to be a firecracker summer!  :)  I'll just keep keeping on with my SW, my mouth shut and my opinions to myself.  Yeah, right like that's gonna happen.
We spent two years in Houston in 1975 & 6 in a court battle over children - two girls Mona and Lucky.  After a 2 week jury trial Ken was awarded custody and we headed back to Oregon with them.  Back then "counseling" was named social work. We met a couple of times with the social worker got his blessing and went about our rat killing.    We did the best for the time we were in and actually there isn't much we would change.
Why did he get custody?  Our attorney proved through professional testimony that the ex-wife was delibertly turning Mona (age8) against her father (brain-washing) - an automatic change of custody.  The younger one, Lucky had been abused every way you can think of: emotional, physical, sexual, and her mother used her as a way to take her frustrations out on.  Lucky was a good victim and learned early that ANY attention is good.  Lucky was the scapegoat; Mona was the anointed one and could do no wrong.They both had been assured Ken would molest them so I became the main disciplinarian - one of the few regrest we have. Mona was raising her younger sister.  Their mother's rights were striped from her and given to her mother, their maternal grandmother.  December 26, 1980 we liquidated our business and moved to Gillette, WY.   The girls were finally at their grade level in school.  I home schooled them every summer in order to maintain and catch up.  In Gillette their were able to realize that.
Mona was a beautiful girl with a bubbly outgoing personality.  I became the hated step-mother to her and she spent much time "badmouthing" me to anyone that would listen.  sigh!  She married at 16 to a wonderful guy that was totally clueless - bless his North Dakotan little heart.  They had two boys.  I was pregnant at the same time as Mona two different times so we had a herd. (another story, sigh).  She bore out the adage that young girls shouldn't marry early.  Her children were being raised much the same as her; Erick was the poster child and Mykel was the scapegoat.  Kevin divorced her and with Ken's help retained custody of the boys.  Mona was not living a good life.  After one particularly bad incident (a wronged wife beat her up), Mona packed a few paper sacks and went to her birth mother in Texas.  We've only seen her a few times since then.  After a couple of visitations with Mona the boys have two very different outlooks on their mother: Erick can't abide her.  His step-mother Lori adopted them in the 90's.  From his perspective she doesn't exist.  Mykel (now Mike) has search for his "mommy" (only he knows who/what that is) from the time she left.  She is wonderful in his eyes.  He has developed a relationship with her and has visited with her a few times.
The bottom line - she's moving back to Gillette with her husband Mike and living with Mike and Rachel.  Fortunately Rachel has put a time limit on it - 30 days.  My prayer is that she isn't playing games any longer (although she still was in 2002 during our crisis). However they don't have a vehicle so Mike is going to Colorado Springs to pick them up................which brings up the other shoe...............Lucky.

Lucky- - -poor Lucky.  She has spent her life looking for her Daddy.  The Ward Cleaver type along with other descriptions.  Needless to say Ken has NEVER and won't EVER meet up to her expectations.  And it a shame.  When Lucky was in the 8th Grade she began trying to commit suicide by various means knives, drugs, razor blades.  By then we were hep on counseling and began a round of counseling that ended with her being able to manipulate the system.  Then she began having babies.  However, ultimately she was shown (by her 3 year old son) that she wasn't cut out to raise kids so she gave them up for adoption, had her tubes tied and began to live a gay lifestyle. She lives with Nina in Colorado Springs, has survived breast cancer for 5 years, has friends and family there and likes her life.  I'm glad she deserves; BUT this time she may not be able to finagle her way out.  She is currently being tested for pancratic/liver cancer.  It's possible she will spend her last years trying to live after spending years trying to die.
So how is Mona/Mike getting to Colorado Springs?  With Frances and her husband. Lucky isn't very happy about being "dropped in on" by her mom/sister, but come they will. (or so she says).  I am SO glad I won't be around for this reunion.  I just can't see those two women getting along very well with Nina/the wife.
Now how does all this make me feel?  I spent 19 years giving my heart, sole and feelings to these two children I fell in love with the first time I saw them.  I vowed to give them a chance at a different life.  I did that.  However sometimes love can be stomped on so much that indifference surfaces.  I'm at that point. I was the wicked step-mother; I did the best I could.
I AM concerned about Erick and Mike.  I know there is more to the story about the visit to Texas than Erick is telling and that is ok.  But Mona better tread lightly where he is concerned.  If she ever has a small chance of him being in the same room with her; she better tread lightly.  And then there is Mike.  He is married to a beautiful Rachel with two cute little children.  I don't want this to mess up their life.  Rachel is one of the best things to happen to Mike.  So I shall pray for them.  I have no desire to get in the middle.  No I really don't.  Well unless............NO I'm stayin' out of it.  And she better not be crappie to Lori either!!  Darnit!  And she better watch it where Whit is concerned.  I didn't realize what emotions Mona caused in Casper at the hospital toward Whit.  Hmmm!  Crap!  Where's my weaving, where's my weaving. sigh! 

Jul 5, 2011

What a couple of weeks at the Gizoo!  First - Whitney applied for a job in May of 2010.  They called her on June 13th to see if she was still interested and she went for an interview.  So after the interview, background check, etc. she went to work June 15th as a property manager at a rent controlled apartment complex here in Gillette.  The owners as well as the management company (her employer) met and trained her the remainder of that week. I told her I would watch the boys 4 days a week with Wednesdays off.  I mostly go to their apt so that going to "the bus" is still a big deal.  Other than one day it has been very good.  They will stay at their present location until October.  Their 6 month lease is up then.  If it is still going good they will move into the manager's apt.  In the meantime they compensate her in money for the housing.  It is part time.  She seems to like it so far and they are very happy with her even with a couple of glitches that might come back to bite someone in the butt.  Oh well.

Then Kev's new SnapOn truck is not ready so all schedules have been modified.  It was time to landscape, etc.  So Saturday morning it was all hands on deck.  Move the bus 30'; rearrange the gravel, hook onto shed move it south, make a sidewalk around the west side of the house, go to Keyhole to picnic, land somewhere for the fireworks.  Well here is a small scenario of the weekend:    

Notice the clear sky?

And then the wind, clouds and thunder came.....

  OK let's head south and west to Pine Haven.....

No - we're catching up to the hail - Halt! Halt!.

We came from over there 20 minutes ago.  Spit!  It's gonna rain/hail/blow and the fireworks don't start for 3 hours.  Home we go!

And at Gillette there has been NO weather and they have worked their butts off.  So much so they are out of material.  Awww!  Too bad.  We have Sunday/Monday with nothing to do.  Yeah right!

 So Uncle Erick will teach the boys about the Bobcat.  Gotta start them small ya'know?