Carol/Roger and Emile/Dianne arrived this week. And two more couples arrived that are going to be a great addition to the winter = Bill/Maurene and Larry/Joy. We had a craft meeting this week and planned what to do where - kind of, possibly, maybe if it works out. We'll do the newly named Bitch and Stitch (formerly Swedish Weaving) Mondays from 1-4. Works for us. Scheduled is tea light making, two kinds of glass etching (acid/dremel), three kinds of cards (scrapbooking, embroidery, stamping), jewelry, SW, crochet/knit/broomstick, Quilling and the cable applique sweatshirt (I HAVE to get started on mine so I MIGHT have a clue what to suggest for people). Me? I'm sticking with SW and the sweatshirt - I'm a loyal OCD'er. The guys are going to play poker and go eat - yup they'll be busy this winter.
Got the results from most of my med tests Friday - 95% good news. It seems I have a short memory, my mouth and tongue burn like fire when I eat anything more spicy that cottage cheese, my fingers/hands & toes/feet have been alternately burning/freezing/tingling getting worse with each passing month (peripheral neuropathy), been getting colder and colder, blah, blah, blah! Well when you put ALL of they minor symptoms together you get very low Vitamin B12. Well slap me alongside the face and color me STUPID!! I've been concentrating on making sure I have potassium I blanked out B12. I KNOW that I am deficient in B12 - it goes with GBP like pancakes/syrup, bees/honey, Yarn/Monks Cloth. My last shot was----oh let me see----2007. And God forbid I should remember to TAKE the darned things orally. So now I get to make up for lost time and get a shot every week. Lucky me.

I am SWing along. However this morning Wylie decided he needed to jump up on my lap and rest awhile. I am attempting to make blankets for the "bitty" boys with cars, trucks, The Bus, etc on it. If this is the last time I mention this project you'll know how I'm doing.
Thursday some of us ladies "went shopping". This would be code for "go
to the Legion, drink Margaritas and play pool". Linda has joined the
player ranks this year. We had a good time.
Here Kathy (Minnesota) and Maurene discuss a shot.
Maurene (Nebraska) is getting in the groove. Yup! Gonna be a fun winter.
Saturday the wind BLEW!! So what does every little "down souther" do on those days? Go to the clubhouse and play Golf. Here the girls are teaching another newbie Charlene (New Hampshire?? Pennsylvania?? somewhere back there) how to play
I don't think Emile gave Ken the correct card.
Meanwhile Dave was at an auction. He spent FOUR hours there waiting for a special sign to come up for bidding.
"Going south" isn't for everyone. If you are cranky, negative, don't like to have fun or laugh, or have stinky feet then our advice to you is STAY HOME and suffer. The South isn't big enough for us and you.