If I am in Gillette I have participated in Relay for Life. A couple of years I caught it in Casper and once in Baker, Oregon. This year was no exception. Whitney was on a team started by the mom of a 5 year old girl with cancer, so I joined that team also. I put a couple of sweatshirts and some jewelry into raffle bags. The team had several fun raisers before the event and we all wore tshirts dedicated to "Fight Like Isabelle". A week or so before Relay they took Isabelle to Denver for a checkup and were told one of the tests was abnormal. They rescheduled her for June 15 to test again to see if her cancer had come back. This was the day of Relay and the mom thought she would have to bow out. For several days no one jumped in to take over and finally Whitney and I decided to carry it on. For one thing it would be good for Isabelle to know someone was stepping up for her while she was in Denver.
Want to buy some jewelry to benefit Relay??? KaCe says |

While walking Crazy Horse I told Deb and Carol they should come join us. They did. Whitney and I went out about 8 Friday and staked the tent out - right beside the playground. Then we went to volunteer for the luminaria exhibit. Home Depot donates all the sand the a shovel full has to go into every bag before the candle goes in. Deb & Carol got there in time to help fill and label the bags. We were done with that by 5:30 and went to the Survivor's Dinner. Carol and I are both survivors.

Then we walked the Survivor Walk and the event was started. There were about 1500+ bags honoring, celebrating or remembering folks with cancer. Many bags came to the sand pit already decorated. This year instead of announcing the name on every bag they set up a blowup screen outside where a computer scrolled the names all night/day long. Whitney and I tried and tried about midnight to get everyone - but it was a job and the camera phone just wasn't quick enough every time. It began to rain - well we all went inside the tent and were very toasty. Deb and Carol walked until about 11 and they headed to the motel to return early Saturday morning. Whit and I held down the fort.

Wake up Debbie, it's time to walk!

Carol (always comes prepared) brought some hard boiled eggs to keep the protein levels up. Hubby Gary decorated the eggs in honor of Isabelle. We sent their family these pictures to show we were thinking about her. They are in Denver waiting for news.
We chose a tiara and a wand for our spirit "sticks" to take along with us on the walk.
My mother Lois |
Our daughter Lucky |
A couple of family friends (phone took two at once) |
Isabelle - OUR captain |
Sharon |
Whitney's friend Peggy |
The next morning we gathered and picked up the bags we wanted to remember. The ones I didn't get were in the middle of the night: Gary (Carol's hubby), Carol, Carol parents

It was a fun time all in the name of doing something positive raising money for a cure. Also we learned about the NUMEROUS programs the National Cancer Society has available for those that need it. Something to keep in mind.
The sad part is many others that signed up to do this for Isabelle didn't show. It's their loss! You know we say what goes around comes around.