Ken went to the doc and we all agreed (her and I) that maybe trying another type of Happy Pill might be a good idea. This was NOT welcomed by Ken but he went along. We left there with an elaborate way to wean off the old one and an aggressive way to jump start the new one! His neck muscles were about the size of the choker cables he used to use and mobility was pretty much 0. Well! 14 days later life if good! His neck is looser and his mood is evening out. So we are cautiously optimistic about the pain. It's gone from a 8-9 to a 2-3.
Sixteen of us went to the Arrey Cafe for Steak Dinner the 11th. We call and go early as it is a small place. Bill and Maurene were leaving the 18th so we got it in early. Haha! Bill won two steak dinners so they decided to go early the 19th. Two weeks at the Arrey!

Colorado, Minesota, Texas, Missouri and Colorado.
Rita is a newbie to our group. Hailing from CO she fits right in - and has GOOD Urology jokes to boot.

We've started keeping score for the new year. The teams are MauKat and DePhil. Kathy used to play pool league and is really a good player. I am good when I don't think too much and many of my "What the hell!" shots work. Kathy wandered over to look into the member only gambling room. Yup! She's gonna join. :) And Maurene's gonna join and I'm going to join. That way Ken won't have to go all the time for afternoon pool and to put the quarters into the table.

Montana Sue and hubby Skip stopped in Deming on their way to Tucson and doc apts. She wanted to know if we were going to Mexico soon and Wala! a Mexican trip was planned. I need to replace the oilcloth covers for the bookcases and across the front but forgot the measurements so took picutres to contemplate them...........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

We started at the Pink Store and had lunch there. After we ordered I looked up and here came the Pharmacist saying, "O good! Take your time eating and come to the store last. I'm expecting your order any time." I usually call and give our orders a week before we go to give her time to order.
Skip, Kathy and Deb SO proud Debbie is showing a fork and not another item. Love'ya Sista!!!
Rita, Sue and Skip
Sunday we leave for GAMBLING/SHOPPING!! Hope to bring back some good pictures of.....well antics!
Oh yeah!! We take the seats in to get reupholstered this week!! Woohoo! Now if that doesn't resort to "the New Mexico way!" and we get them back in 2015! :)