OKAY so have been slowly working on this but it was hard without the "double U) and the "letter that can sound like c". But thanks to laptopkeys.com I am all fixed up and am putting along. So glad to have it fixed. As well as our internet - which is a story for later.
We made it back to Rawlins July 3rd. Ken has been feeling worse every day it seems and he seems to be sleeping more all the time. He has complained about how bad his ribs hurt from the fall and of a headache once. So he didn't participate in the 4th of July in Saratoga. But we did. First: ice cream before NOON!! Wootwoot!

Second: Gathering candy
Third: Not getting TOOOOO close to the clown.

And then setting up the summer shade playground.
Aedan is sorting Legos from the BIGGG box.
Rats! He says I DON'T have a big boat...
Fun with fake mustaches!
And finally Aedan's GREEN big boat came. Here the boats are in the dock all decked out.
During all this Ken kind of just kept fading. At this point he is sleeping 16-20 hours a day. So we established a doc here in Rawlins - they wouldn't touch him - after finding out Ken had fallen June 14th and although he didn't lose consciousness the scar where he did land made everyone squimish. To the ER for CT, MRI, EKG. No MRI here go to Casper. Then is when I found out the headache I'd heard about a couple of times was all the time and was at times pretty debilitating, the side of his face that has been pretty numb is now radiating pain and the EKG shows some kind of "major heart event" in the past. WTH!!! This doc (very nice and knowledgeable) sent us on to the Neurologist in Casper. He really thinks Ken has Post Concussions Syndrome. He was also concerned about reinjury to the neck. From everything I have read and been told there is no "cure" - rest, both mental and physical is the key. We didn't get to see our doc when we went to Casper so will go back the first part of August after he returns from his month in South America.
So Wylie and I plug on. I am really glad none of us have to drive to the others house. We are just three doors down. The gkids know the code for "she's up" by the front window curtains and visit daily.
Whitney and I do Bountiful Baskets every Saturday (training others to take one of them over) and I still "run" the one in E.B. There have been a few issues with no refrigerated trucks which has been resolved.
I continue on beading - It is REALLY keeping me busy in the evening. Sometimes Ken is awake off and on to watch TV and comment on shows; sometimes he's not. The kids generally try to be here in the early afternoon for their visit when he is semi-awake. :) It is pretty hard to Let go and Let God. But on the other hand we are retired and time is all we have.