Here is a group of supervisors. Wonder what they're talking about?
The race car driver and the head mechanic.
Prerace observation walk.
Surveying the scales.
And they're off!
Maternal and Friends Box Seats
Inspecting the track!
Winner of the Most Fuel Economical Car

The pit crew learned al lot and are already planning for next year's derby. Way to go KaCe!! We Love You!
Then we trekked to Gillette for a short visit.
How awesome to learn that Alexa's Birthday
Celebration was going to take place while
we were there! Wootwoot! We got to see
ALL of them!

Erick, Jaci and Lori. The gun on the wall was her Dad's that he used in the War.
Wiley is certainly making sure he gets loving from both Lori and Kevin. The Brat.
Kim went outside to run the dogs. They had a blast.
The "streak" is Lola, Kim/Phil's Corgi. Can that dog run!!
Phil, GDad and Adam
When's the cake??
Mike, Alexa, Hayden, Andy & Rachel
Auntie Jaci says SMILE!
ummmmm Sometimes the pictures just do their own thing. Whatever!
Phil and Adam - Where's the cake??
Jaci & Dad Kevin
I think I see a pattern here. Phil's Grandma, Phil and Adam........does he slways have his tongue out? M a y b e..
The two Beautiful Granddaughters!
We sure do love this family!!
The precious Greats Miss Hayden age 5
Miss Andy age 4
Miss Alexa age 3
A GRAND time with the Greats!!
And then
It was time to get On The Road Again!