Jul 12, 2009

It's an elk -NO it's a TURKEY!

Friday afternoon we headed to Troy. Troy Oregon is 60 miles from everywhere. You get there one of several gravel roads. We took the road out of Wallowa.

There are two rivers in these mountains: The Wanaha and the Grande Ronde. The area has changed so much that it took Ken awhile to get oriented. Me? I just look at the area and shake my head. MY parents were ranchers over in the Oregon lands that were fairly flat. Ken's folks farmed the FLAT land of their 1300 AC ranch because the land is on the breaks of the river.

We made it down to Troy then went up "Barlette" Grade so we could look back over to the place where the cow and bull fell OUT of the pasture. When we got up on top we found 4 Big Horn Sheep. That was cool.

The sixth and seventh pictures are of the "actual spot" the cow and bull fell out of the pasture. I think I get it now. :) Bottom line: cow lived; bull died. Think about that awhile.

We decided to go out over Lookout Mtn and look over the crushing areas we contracted 30+ years ago. We were putting along when Ken yelled STOP! I stopped and he jumped out. Yup! He can spot huckleberries at 30 mph. While the mosquitos ate me he grazed on huckleberries. Just after we left there we saw 4 turkeys marching down the road............No picture. Those things are fast! On down the road we spot more. They were faster. We finally got a picture of one but missed her chicks. The evening was topped off when we saw 5 elk in a small old clear cut. I'm taking pictures when they just kept multipling. We watched long enough that they got antsie and headed out. So we headed out with them. How cool it was. I cut the herd at the end where all the calves were. The mommas squealed until the calves went around behind us. The last little one pranced like he was king of the hill - which he was. We ended the 175 mile jaunt at 10:30 but it sure was worth it. Ahhhh! Life is Good!

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