Dec 31, 2009

2009 into 2010

And I slapped that thingamabob onto the whatnot and.............
What do you do on New Year's Eve in New Mexico?   Eat and tell stories.   Worked for us!
New Year's Eve is all about the FOOODDD!

Smile Pat it's almost the new year.  NIIICCCEE shirt.

Is this trouble or what?

Sharon and her husband KimChee.  Now THAT is scaaarrrryy!.

Sue - How can we torment Darrell, huh??

Darrel, Darrel, Darrel - what are you going to get into in 2010? hmmm?

Dave and Debbie sittin' on the seat KISSIN>>WHAT????

Sharon's at the puzzle again

It's a BIG puzzle.

Linda and Randy

Happy New Year, Cliffie!!

Dec 26, 2009

Sledding in December with no coat?!?!?

Grandad was too tired to go to White Sands with us today; but the rest of us trudged along.  We awoke to snow - a very small skiff - but we headed out anyway.  What a great time we had.  It wasn't that cold.  In fact it really wasn't cold.  BUT we had to put a coat (red) on him to find him.  He started out in light grey.  :(
Love, love LOVE this sand!

C'mon Dad keep up.

It sure is a loonnngg way to the end of this route.

OK take a picture quick - we need to get to the sledding part.

Whoa this machine hold up a balloon up in the air.

And here is what we really liked about the trip and why Ethan is in pajamas......

Hey! Yahoo!  I'm up here see?  Woohoo - look at me!!! 

Picknicking In Texas in December or The ZOO trip

O Look cousins - Mo, Curly & Larry -  Hi Guys!

OK We're sittin'  Let's go!!

Keep up Grandad........

Look at the beaks on these babies.   Now boys play nice with the white guy.  OK?

Isn't that just precious.  Someone covered me up.  Like I wanted covered up???

Aw - Dad?  Can we go over there?

You pack me awhile then Grams'll pack me awhile ok?  WRONG!!

lt is totally creepy the noise that comes out of your mouth big guy?  Do you need diction lessons or something?  Is there a cure for that sound???
Doing fine thank you.  Now leave me alone.

Picknicking in December in Texas.  Awwwright!

OK who's feeding the birds?

Hey Dad - lookat the birdies......THEY like my chippies!

Uhhh, Trav??  You can open your mouth bigger than that!! 

O Aunty Kaycee the sun isn't THAT bad!

Hi Whit.  How's lunch?

OK so I put my head between these cool bar things and got it stuck. Thanks for getting me out Dad.  That was scary.
Yep, Grandad.  It's an elephant.

Thanks lady for sharing about George & Mort.

Pleeeaaase can we just ride the elephant ONCE??

Hey! George  they're BAAACCCKK!  Yah Mort I see'em.  Let's Hide!
Man!  My nose sure itches!

mmmmm I wonder what I can get into now??? 

Yeah - well I'm short see and couldn't see the elephant...(worked didn't it?)

OK George it's dance time.  Ready? 1, 2, 3, lift your foot left; 1, 2....

They all got there but Grandad and he finally arrived too.

Hey - anybody out there?
Hey, you in the tan coat....Are YOU anybody???