Jan 22, 2010

Gambling in Arizona

Linda, Terry, Sharon, Debbie and I went to Globe Arizona gambling.  Here we are at dinner.  About 2 seconds later and nice young man came and told me I couldn't take pictures ANYWHERE inside.

That afternoon the weather started turning REAL crummy and THEN it began to snow.  Globe is about 2 hours north of Tucson. and usually warm and sunny.  This time there was a flood alert and a dam nearby was in danger of breeching.  We kept gambling. That night  when we got to the room we found it leaking down the windows.  Since our beds were dry, we shoved everything over and went to sleep. 
When we woke in the morning there was about 6" of snow and they we wondered if we would be able to get home because of the roads.  We finally left after 3.

Terry and Debbie taking a walk outside on Friday afternoon.

Poor palm trees.

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