Sep 10, 2010

Estes Park and RMNP and what else? ELK!

stayed in Longmont at the Fairgrounds.  With Erick and Vanessa divorcing and in a turmoil we decided it was better this way.  It worked out good as Erick had to be in SC or OK working.  We did have lunch with Vanessa and Hayden.  We've tried to let them both know we are neutral.  We love them both and none of us are going away.  We don't need to be in on the negotiations.  We just need to love them all.  So anyway we headed up to Estes Park and the Rocky Mtn National Park.  You know us.  We've gotta see those elk.  AND it is bugling season!!  Woohoo!!  It was so awesome.  We were raised near the mountains and wild game.  BUT neither of us had ever seen one actually bugle and do "the ritual".  heh, heh  google it.  :)
A lake above Estes Park

Perched "High on the Mountain"

He really isn't behind a fence - Ken is.  A protect the grass fence
which are scattered all around many of the creeks.

The view above Estes Park.  Majestic!

A small little bull fighting with a small bush.  We think he is practicing
to go challenge a bull and his harem farther up the field about a mile.

Nearly at the top of the world 12,000+ feet!

An incredible view from the top.

Me Tarzan!  Hear me roa.....BUGLE
We kept seeing signs about parking and long lines for event, etc.  When we got to Estes Park we saw the reason.  It is the Scottish Festival and were they expecting crowds.  We were happy to miss the lines and vowed to come up another way tomorrow.  Yes, we are returning tomorrow.  There was a HUGE bull standing on the side of the road.  He paid US no never mind.  We didn't have the right (or wrong) scent.  And he was getting into "that fighting" mood.  We saw several other small herds.  We think we are a little too early and have marked the calendar next year for Sept 15 at the earliest.  Then we saw off to the left this guy getting ready to clean some clocks (so to speak).  I let Ken out to get some pictures then found a parking spot.  No easy fete.  I found Ken peeking out from some brush taking this video.  EWWWW did it smell.  It was dark when we got home.  Incredible.

We FINALLY found some slow turkeys.
It took us three states to do it.
Why oh why did I think I could beat that big guy?  Why?
Man am I ever wiped!!  Show me the way to go home....lalalalal.

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