Oct 28, 2010

Las Cruces and Rant Mode

OK - need to do some venting.  We went to Las Cruces today.  Shopped a little; had lunch at the Cattleman (very good) went to Sam's (and gassed up 41 cents cheaper than EB) and came home.  As we visited we realized we were NOT happy at Lakeside and we HATED it.  Here 34 of us decided to come back to LS one more winter.  We all know change is inevitable so want to ride this horse as long as possible.  BUT there are many quirky things adding up to unrest in the ranks.  Ken began to vent at about mile 7 on I-25.  He is torqued about the little dropped hints he has heard various ones (including management/workcampers) about the winter folks being loud (we are), too large a group (we are), rowdy (we are), obnoxious (we.......are to those that accept that) and crude (we can be).  They acted like they wanted us winter folk when we got here but slowly management has backed off.  And he isn't happy with the path down the hill.  He also remarked that is sure is funny that since Bob and then Dave got here and there is actually water going to the shrubs and trees the PINE CONES ARE FINALLY COMING ON!!  About darned time.  Since we are "up top" we see a lot of what is going on at Management Row. Sleeping out on the patio by one in particular.  The air is becoming electric with negativity.  The co-managers won't come to HH any more. They seem to avoid us.  Is that Us as Ken/me or US as the Winter folk???  Hmfph!  At mile 50 I took over the rant WELL!  I thought I was just being overly sensitive. (I DO stand up and shout a lot; but deep inside is a scared little girl cowering in the corner.  Ken and a few select others know this about me.)  :)........ If there is any messages from management to the resident it is done with small 2x3 signs OR messages are sent through the residents.  What kind of garbage is this?    Example:  "Do not encourage L. to come here.  They are divorced now and she shouldn't be coming here".  That's OUR job?  What do you mean she isn't welcome?  Donna/Ed and the Jumpin' Judy's come all the time.  And I fumed we found out about the raised rent when we got here and the jump in the electricity from small 3x5 signs.  Every time I go into the office I feel unwelcome and weird.  The other day I was told that "this summer sure was nice and quiet.  It was just the 8 of us mostly from M-TH.  We did our grill night on Monday's but it is too cumbersome to do now."  And the other day I grabbed a  bottle of water to replace on the coffee machine.  (Management had been walking around the empty bottle a couple of hours.)  Well General Patton came in just then and informed me I had used the "wrong" bottle.  I laughed it off and then told Clay to "mark my words.  There'll be a sign up about this before the sun sets."  Clay likes to inform me it only took 45 minutes.

hmmm!  We live on wheels.  We can move when we want.  If we don't like what is going on - MOVE!  So we decided to go check out other places to stay.  Maybe if WE left things would settle down.  Ken was maybe in favor of going to another town but I wasn't because we had planned this "fun time" all summer.  So we'll remove ourselves.  I REALLY try to only tease and harass those that 1) I'll take it from and 2) that I think won't mind and 3) those that know it is just fun.  Obviously I have failed somewhere along the line.
This whole thing blows ditch water!!  HOWEVER now I know WHY I haven't wanted to "set up house" like I usually do.   Tomorrow we investigate other avenues.

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