Haydan and Dad Erick January 21, 2011 |
On Wednesday Feb 16th our 2 year old Great Granddaughter Hayden was admitted into the Pourde Valley Hospital in Fort Collins. Her oxygen levels were at 62. Over the next couple of days her illnesses escalated drastically and the doctors gave little hope of her surviving. She was flown to Denver Children's Hospital where she remains today. She has RSV which turned into double pneumonia which in turn turned into HUS which has caused her kidneys to fail. As she has turned a small corner to recovery the ancillary conditions must be monitored closely. The roller coaster ride is far from over.
RSV to pneumonia:RSV is also responsible for about 25% of childhood pneumonias. There are a wide variety of other causes of pneumonias, each with their own typical story. As you might imagine, it can be difficult to distinguish between bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Pediatricians rely on the story, the physical exam, and sometimes X-rays to separate them.Read more: http://www.drgreene.com/qa/rsv-and-croup#ixzz1EiUOZFCa
Pneumonia to HUS: The pneumonia is a "strep" kind which is one of the more serious. This kind can move into the blood and that is exactly what it did where it turned in HUS - Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/125/1/e174
As she has turned a small corner to recovery the ancillary conditions must be monitored closely and then will be monitoring other organs as she progresses. The roller coaster ride is far from over.
These are the posts that her "Grrrmama" Schram (Lori) sent to me by text message or posted in Facebook.
Monday Feb 21
Sat. & Sun. were good healing days. Today wasn't quite as good. We learned that HUS can also affect the liver! The Dr.'s did tests today and it looks OK, but are now watching for blood clots! The Dr's and nurses here at Children's Hosp. are the best! They are keeping a close eye on her. Keep healing baby girl!
Monday Feb 21 - Hayden's current status: Stable but critical.
Sunday Feb 20 10:00pm : New lungs x-ray for Hayden is awesome! They are clearing up rapidly!!!!!
Sun Feb 20 10:00
It has been tough here and hard to answer all of your messages. I would like to thank ALL of you for your wonderful comments and especially the Prayers! Keep the prayers coming because Hayden has a long way to go. We are looking at 2 (?) weeks in ICU alone! THANK YOU and GOD BLESS all of you!
She is doing better with the dialasis machine and the chest tube to take fluids off the sack around her lungs. She is on an oscillator to help her breath and to break up the pneumonia, but has to be sedated so she doesn't fight the machine! Dr's are hoping to put her back on respirator tomorrow and keep her sedated. It is all so unbelievable! She turned 2 on Feb. 9th!
Hayden is still making baby steps toward recovery, but has so much to overcome! She has RSV (a serious virus in children), double pneumonia, a blood infection that turned into HUS (this kills red blood cells that carry oxygen. When the blood cells die, they go through the kidneys) and her kidneys are in failure. She is doing better with the dialasis machine and the chest tube to take fluids off the sack around her lungs. She is on an oscillator to help her breath and to break up the pneumonia, but has to be sedated so she doesn't fight the machine! Dr's are hoping to put her back on respirator tomorrow and keep her sedated. It is all so unbelievable! She turned 2 on Feb. 9th!
Saturday Jan 19 1:29 pm
Hayden got her dialasis cathater + a chest tube to the sack around lungs put in last night. Dr was afraid to move her from her bed to OR because she was so unstable. Dr said she was "the sickest little girl in the world." Surgery was done on her bed! Today she is still unstable but making baby steps improving! She will be here for a long time. Pray that it is all improvements because she has a LOT to recover from!
Fri Jan 18 10:46 pm
Hayden made it thru surgery! Still very unstable. Dr said "she is the sickest little girl in the world"!
Sent: Feb 18, 2011 9:56 PM
Subject: If she was going to make it!
.....if she was going to make it! Dr wanted to operate on her bed in her room but can't xray on bed to make sure tubes are in correctly. Surgery went well!
Sent: Feb 18, 2011 9:50 PM
Subject: Dr called in family before...
Dr called in family before surgery. She was too unstable to move from bed to cart to OR. He said "She is the sickest little girl in the world" + he wasn't sure.......
Fri Feb 18 6:24 pm
Learning more. Hayden has RSV and Pneumonia and a blood infection that progressed to HUS (which kills red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells, therefore low oxygen.) HUS is also causing the kidneys to fail. VERY sick little princess!
Fri Feb 18 3:49 pm
Hayden (my 2 year old granddaughter) is having surgery today to put tube in sack around left lung (dbl pneumonia) + to install hemo kidney cathetor for dialasis (her kidneys are not functioning!) Please keep praying :)
Fri Feb 18 12:33pm
Progression on Hayden...high temps (104.3) RSV to dbl pneumonia, oxygen level @ 68, blood infection, transfusion, platelets. Blood infection to HUS. Kidneys not functioning. Right lung full, left over 30% pneumonia. Setting her up for dialasis surgery + possible surgery for chest tube to remove fluids around lungs. May be in hosp for weeks! Prayers Please!
Sent: Feb 18, 2011 12:00 PM
Subject: Hanging in there.
Hanging in there. Kevin got here abt 10:30. I am in Hayden's room, they are in waiting room.
Fri Feb 18 7:48 am
Update! Hayden had trouble breathing in night + was flown to Denver Childrens Hosp. Dr. said "hope for best but plan for the worst." She is stable for now. Okay Prayer Warriors, keep PRAYING, PLEASE!
Sent: Feb 18, 2011 6:36 AM
Subject: Hayden took turn for the worse in...
Hayden took turn for the worse in night + was flown to Children's Hosp. Dr said hope (pray) for the best but plan for the worst. She is a very sick little girl!
Sent: Feb 17, 2011 6:35 PM
Subject: She had blood transfusion +...
She had blood transfusion + platelets. She is doing better. Dr should be in around 8.
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