The drop time changed Friday afternoon to 4pm. I didn't encourage anyone else to ride down as I wasn't sure what we might face. It's a good thing. The pickup was packed. Friday Ken took the MH spare tire out and we stopped at Carmen's (1 tostado and Ken's GC smothered everything burrito) and picked up a big 64 qt cooler. Carmen had ordered 3 baskets. We took our 12 volt one and another one someone threw away from a Omaha Steak delivery. In addition to 7 baskets we were picking up 48# of pickling cukes (no silly just to EAT - no pickles for us.); two flats of blackberries and a 30 gal garbage can for Dave to fill with squished cans and 12 bunches of Pro's Ranch radishes!
This is the third sight I have visited in New Mexico and yes they do things different here - not necessarily wrong, just different. This sight at the BIA is a small site when you need to keep the produce out of the sun. They use more tables than we do in WY and I DO like that there are two places to checkout each time. (I'll probably send this one on to Whit/Sellenee.)

And the 8' is full of produce and extras. They use more tables - A VERY Good idea for bagging produce/separating bananas, etc.!!

I think all the NM sites number their baskets and assign you a number. Our numbers were varied for the seven: 7, 41, 62, 69, 39, 16, 26

Notes for next time:
1. If Carmen orders 3 take her cooler THEN - it holds three baskets nicely!
2. Don't let Ken destroy the Steak Cooler - Worked for 1 basket. The 12 volt cooler holds three baskets of perishables nicely.
3. Push hard this week to get a BU signed up!! We NEED to get the drop in TRC on the truck schedule.
4-22. Repeat #3.
We sold cukes before we left the site. There are cukes at the clubhouse to munch on and I foresee cukes/onions/vinegar at lot in our future. Yum!
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