Here is the Cowboy group on April 6th. A motley crew indeed!

Roger and Charlene are full timers from New Hampshire and recently became New Mexicans. Charlene is a killer card player (well,-----she DOES keep score a lot. :) )!! She forayed out into beading land this year and completed a bracelet. BUT she has already picked out three she wants to make next year. Roger is a KILLER pool player!! He and Kathy Madsen need to give us lessons - not that we'd pay much attention. Debbie and I have a "reputation". Linda likes to say, "We just need to sit back and wait. One of them will sink the cueball or put the 8 ball in the wrong pocket before this is over." Yup - we mostly beat ourselves.
Kathy and Doug and The Kids ready to load up for the summer. They store their 5th Wheel in place year round.
Before Maurene and Bill left we made a girls trip to Hatch.
Me, Kathy, Mary (a new one to the crew this year), Maurene and Deb
As always we had a blast. On this trip we practised our cheers for Newell's birthday.
We got home in time for birthday cake on Tuesday (we went on Friday. :) ) Newell supervises Debbie measuring the cake.
Linda and Cindy (the new assistant manager) share a birthday.

Hmmmm I think it is official. Linda is OLD!!!
Only in years! She's very young in spirit.

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Most of THE SISTAS!! |
Saying goodbye to Carol and Gary (going back to SD before spring) was hard. They are going to sell their rigs and stay closer to home next year. Hmmmm! They have had a LOT of snow since they went back - I surely do wonder if there is a "park model rental" in their future?
However they WILL be at the mini reunion in NE in August!! Woo-hoo!
And then I began my trips to Mexico for the dentist. He is redoing work that a Casper dentist did 5 years ago. grrrrrr. And even with insurance I paid more then than I am now. I was very apprehensive for my first trip as the dentist in Rawlins told me it would be $4700+ for the tooth I was having problems with. I had been looking at my front teeth and it appeared to me they were all 6 a mess - but who am I? I really had the idea that I'd come back from there with no front teeth and wouldn't be able to afford to finish the job until this fall. I was terrified of what he was going to tell me and on top of my apprehension for just ENTERING a dentist office I obviously looked really bad. One of the dentists down there brought that home when she asked me if I was all right; that I looked really white. hmmmm! You suppose? Anyway the news wasn't as grim as it would have been up here. He is doing the first three now and the next three later. I had two root canals, one extraction and will have a bridge when we go south. Not bad - of course my automatic flinch reflex guaranteed that he gave me 10 shots to get the root canals started. And I won't be in the poor house $$ wise.

Mary/Paul were camp hosts and we sure hope they come back. Paul hold the camp record for the highest score in Five Crown (goal is lowest score). They left to head back to east to meet their grandson for the summer.
Yes Mary your score was 67 for ONE hand. Sorry. Mary was with us when we were practicing for Newell's birthday.

All too soon it was time for Dave and Deb to hook up and head north.
Babe the Big Blue Truck was all hooked up and ready to roll.
This left only three "On the Alley". Everybody leaves just when the weather becomes WONDERFUL 24/7! What are we thinking?
The patio looks so good. Donna/Dick got it all spiffed up while they were here.

And now it is time for us to leave. I have one more dental apt in Mexico tomorrow. Wyn will drive all day as I'll be driving the next two days as we head to WY.
The 2012-2013 Season (for us) is officially over.
We leave Wyn/Ki and Clay to hold down the fort with Cindy/Gene; Sharon/Larry; Dave/Joyce & Rick/Cheryl. Martha and Bob will return around June 15th (hopefully). Next year we will be moving across the street to #98. The wind about got us both coming out of the bus several times and Ken isn't doing any "sun baking" at all any more so we'll try a change. We'll see. The bitter is now and Saturday is the sweet when we see part of the Wyoming family.
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