Jun 13, 2024

 This introspection is for me to hopefully finally get this stuff out of MY brain.  I've  spent 10 months  trying to come to terms with the last 4 years of mental abuse and PTSDC which ultimately culminated with Ken's death in April.  His death certificate lists: Severe post-ictal Encephalopathy status Epilepticus  and several other direct causes of death.

I've done my best the last 3 years to ignore June 10.
  Actually we both did.  We both pretended it just didn't happen. Our calendar went from June 1 to July 2.  We did acknowledge July 4th. Living in NM was horrid during Covid and for 2.5+ YEARS after!!!  In retrospect everything from Jan 31 of 2020 our life slowly disintegrated into discontent and strife. Ken fell in 2013 getting a concussion that took 8+ months to heal from. Dr Santiago said he just couldn't fall again and I didn't say Doc what COULD happen?  4 words that maybe would have made a difference but...probably not. That was in 2013 and the falling just kept happening (2014, 2015, 2020)….I have pictures of black eyes and marks on his forehead...….the frontal lob where the personality is...…and he slowly changed from a compassionate, loving, caring man into a Narcissistic Asshole to put it bluntly.  His brain was changing and neither of us knew what was happening. Our loved ones tried to help but that just made him more enraged and angry.  By August of 2023 he hated everyone...….even me, the gas pump at Sam's Club and last even Son-in-law Kevin.