If you haven't experienced it pain just sucks the body dry of patience, mental health and stamina. I tell folks to fill a glass half full of water then hold it out in front of you - keep it there - 24/7/365 - it has the capacity to eventually crush you. I lived in a migraine induced level 7-9 pain for several years. Then we got insurance and I found out the root of my migraines and they ceased. They came back in '03 with a vengeance and I swear I couldn't handle a 3 let alone what I used to live with. Ken is at that point - better to figure out a way to live with it than the up down way that flattens one.
Just rambling but have found putting it in black/white helps ME - the caregiver. Not that I do much caregiving but whatever. So the question is: Is Botox for Ken? I still have that question even after reading medpain.com A side effect of this journey is one gains the inability to put up with whining, poormeitis, etc. We both come from a suck it up Buckwheat mentaility and try not to inflict our misery on others. It often not a two-way street.
Enough - enough - enough - enough!
SOOOOO we had a good Christmas Dinner at the clubhouse, playing cards afterwards. Of course sista Deb gave us some good laughs - but they can't be a good as these picture show Carol and Deb in hysteria. Blurry and all they are the best----- Carol's look is priceless! So glad they part of our lives. Of course Bill - he's not too sure - - - - What brought on the hysteria? A kissing, wriggling fish! I love these guys down here!!
Merry Christmas New Mexico style!
Well it appears that Ken and I going to Walmart and standing line on Thanksgiving Evening was certainly a hit! KaCe (headphones), Ethan (always moving) and Aedan - MY puter won't TALK to me like theirs! So glad for Skype!! Except we need to Skype during an Aedan nap sometime. :) He likes to see us up close which blocks out the camera to see anything else except his forehead and hair. And his vocabulary is limited still to hi, lala (Wiley), dadadadad (grandad) and no.

When we went on the ladies shopping/gambling/shopping retreat I decided I'd do teacup nightlights this year. (And am in trouble for not doing calendars - obviously that will be a Dec 13 project) so we drilled, dremeled, glued,, dremeled, laughed and got them done. I decided to keep one for me. A very small petite one. I even did bottle ones for the guys. Except for Kevin - HE got a redneck wineglass!! heheheheh! Hey! He's FIFTY - 50 and needs a little razzing!
I beaded my little fingers to the bone but sent a healthy sampling north. AND already have next Christmas's addon gift idea ready to go. It will take me all year to get enough - besides it and SW will keep me out of jail, my head won and hopefully my mouth SHUT!!
And so another Sunday in NM. Ken is peacefully sleeping - it's the ONLY time he's out of pain and I am getting ready to BEAD. What else. Oh but :) I finally figured out my boombox was dead and buried it. Borrowed a real one from Wyn/Ki as well as the proper plug in (Thank you very much Ki.) and am converting 43 books on cassette to my computer with my Easy peasy vhs, cassette to computer/dvd converter .
Again, thanks Ki.
So yes, I am multitasking - SCARY.