And Mary had her own verse also. Then we had a little surprise. We had been trying to get Linda/Randy; Dave/Debbie and Bob/Martha in the same place at the same time and wala! it happened. (Fortunately the cake lasted until we all healed.) Happy Anniversary to them - 50 for Randy/Linda!!! 25 for Dave/Debbie!!! and 29 for Bob/Martha!! Linda made each a photo collage. And Linda/Maurene made each their own teacup nightlight. We make up our own fun. OK Let's get down to eating and catching the elephants.
What would we do without Debbie?????
While we were finishing Santa's Elf Lloyd did creative numbering for the exchange. We do the Chinese Auction. Here he harasses his wife Billie. NOT that she takes it much.
Yes, she did get something else. A Swedish Weave laprobe. Wonder who made that?????
Wyn is opening alot of gifts also. She just isn't keeping them.
Well - so thankful Ken got a calendar. SOMEONE I know (me) didn't do them this year. I have gotten a LOT of slack about that so calendars are back on for 2014.
People just keep liking Rita's gifts and she just keeps coming back to get more.
And then there's Ray. Everyone wants to help Ray get into his............he isn't thrilled with that prospect.
But Mary persists ....... YES it a kite!
NO wait!! It's not a kite. Man does it have a LOT of tape on it. Mary helps again.
You've GOT to be kidding. I got the paper off to be faced with the nylon holder. Ray is muttering now. No NOT a kite - a fishing pole.
Yes, dear. I'm SURE it a fishing pole! Jan has spent years double checking facts. :)
Yes, Roger I do believe it is a serape and I think you won't keep it long.
Told 'ya. What's in this gift?
An 18v drill. Nah!
Ki - it's going to get snatched.
Yup - Martha likes it.
What's next.?
Deal'em Kathy!
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