Bingo is an EXCITING way to spend an evening. Well "evening" is misdirection as we are done with "evening" about 8 pm every night. Notice how the body language emotes excitement? "Absolutely no one is leaning on their chins or elbows stifling yawns here". Riigghht! Love them all anyway. At Cedar Cove THEY (not me) play a very high stakes and complicated sequence of bingo. It's $.10/card and the winner gets to pick the game. L's, T's, stamps are some of the popular ones. Ken and I went up one night shortly after we decided we would indeed live after 10 days of having several variations of the crud. Linda promised we'd play Golf after Bingo so we went up. Dennis and Sharon from MN were here for awhile and she called as Wyn experienced the crud and stayed home.
This night was supposed to be our White Elephant Party but there were still too many folks ill.
The next day the women went out for lunch at Pacific Grill - a great Asian place. (Keeping up with who is closed on what day is almost a full time job here in NM.)
Martha (CO) on end, Carol (NH/PA), Charlene (NH), Debbie (CO), Carol (SD), Maurene (NE),

Rita (CO), Billie (TX), Mary (AR??), Martha, (KS).

Gaye (NM), yours truly and Kathy (MN). I haven't been to one of these before as last year I seemed to be headed Cruces way or wanting to rest. Wyn and I put a lot of miles on last year helping Sharon the best quality of life she possibly could. It was all worth it. Many happy memories made.

And then there is the Legion. Wyoming George, Clay, Newell, Kathy/Doug, Maurene/Bill and Ki are all members and they graciously sign us in as guests. They have a new cook with new ideas which we have all been taken with. Wednesday night she (Elaine) does her own thing and has salad and soup for the light (or sharing) folks. Thursday is margarita day and pool day for us CC folks. We haven't been in awhile thanks to the crud epidemic. So I met Dave, George & Deb for pool. A side benefit to pool is the consumption of roughage. Notice how everyone has their OWN popcorn? And how George uses his hat to stay incognito? Well I have a new paint program so will fix a face for him one of these days. And thus the first 20 days of December passed fairly remarkably. And Friday is shrimp/wings/rings/soup/salad (take your pick or have it all). We usually go Fri with Clay. It gets us out of the house and we get to come home smelling like smoke.
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