It's been an interesting 2 weeks. Ken's new medicine dose bit him in the butt! Monday he increased his dose and by Wednesday he was getting weaker. By Thursday he was too weak to get out of bed finally hanging on enough by 3 pm to get to his chair, where he promptly went back to sleep. His pain level? Well, it was gone but he was disgusted in not being able to stay awake long enough to enjoy being pain free. His brain was okay when he was awake so it wasn't his epilepsy so I went online to do some research. As the only change he had made was to increase a dose I began with it. What to my wandering eyes should see as major side effects? Weakness. The inability to control legs. Further research indicated the half life was less than a day so I hid his pills Friday so we could discuss the problem. The fine line was going downhill and with many cautions I came up with a plan. He concurred. He was finally able to go outside this Wednesday evening for dinner using a cane. He still isn't totally back to par; now question is will he ever?? Doc appointment Tuesday so we shall see.

Zellers and Propst's got back last Saturday. Kathy (our residence pool shark) is giving a lesson on proper English. I tell her I'm only into Portuguese. She just smiles. I've been staying close so haven't been up to much - even laundry. However yesterday was the annual quilt show and carving exhibition so Deb, Kath and I went. Of course I passed out many cards for BB. And some folks came back to ask for more. I really hope to get it up to at least 75-80 per drop before we leave. This week was 35 an increase of over 50%.
Here are a few of my favorite things for this year.
And then the beautiful wood carvings:
Such a small world. Kathy met the mother of one of her old bosses.
To end off the day I dedicate this picture to my Quilting Diva's from Burnt River and Wallowa County! It looks just like them. :) Love you girls - see you in '14!!
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