We are still creeping along with Ken and his meds. He's feeling somewhat better and has some strength back in his legs. He appears to have come to some terms with the quality of his life and is only doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Good for him. He's bound and determined not to go back to the very dark side. He agrees with my assessment about being in horrible pain for a long time and learning to live with it. Then - poof - it's gone and as it comes back you simply can't cope nearly as much. I used to be like that with my migraines. Back in the day I suffered a migraine 5-7 days a week resorting to coming home for lunch and covering my head so I could gather enough chutzpah to finish the day. Then we figured out the problem and they went away. When they appeared again in '02 I could only stand about 1/2 what I used to. The body is just built that way I guess. I've visited with several folks what feel the same way.
OK - enough!
We are still in semi-winter mode although it is getting warmer. This means we are still in pool craft mode. I've been busy this winter trying new stitches and rearranging old ones. We wore our tatoos to pool Thursday and of course I took some pictures! Imagine that. I think she likes it on her leg best,

Newell and Bill relaxing with a 'rita.
So Saturday was BB day. We were all set when I looked up and saw we had one of the trailers that had the BB and Kodiak Produce/Trucking logos on them. I was so excited; then I gasped as the driver turned right on the wrong side of the ditch and he just decided to "cut across shorty". Not a good move.
This picture doesn't look too bad unless you know how it looked up close.
We unloaded the truck into pickups and went about our business. I didn't hassle Phil on the survey - he was embarrassed enough and he's such a nice guy.
BB in TorC is growing. Thanks to all our RVing friends for helping out so much! We DO love you all!
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