The door flew open and there stood Ken, head hanging down saying something I couldn't understand. Turned out it was "get me a rag I'm bleeding". Well THAT moved my tush. (I actually thought the dog had thrown up on him..........go figure!) He'd been outside with the 2 dogs (which are pretty inseparable) and when coming back onto the cement pad he tripped and caught the sidewalk with his face and ribs. Otherwise ok. Yup! That night we changed sides of the bed ( I DO HATE THAT!!) as his ribs hurt like they did when he broke a couple. NO - why go to the doc - "I'll be okay!"
I'm still on the wrong side of the bed. Wonder when "okay" will get here.
Then the other day we heard a little commotion outside and looked out to see. Oops! A nice shiny black toolbox face-planted! This little exercise took about 2.5 hours to rectify.
The "Nameless Guy" (NG) customer had told Kevin his box would be empty, just go pick it up and I'll meet you at your house with a trailer.

Ken and his rib are supervising. The project is 3" or so at a time then brace it up.
See all those little pieces laying on the ground. They all came out of an "empty" toolbox.
Okay they got it upright!
NG goes to backup his trailer.
Kev and Ken both ask - "Got a good floor in that thing??"
Yes he said.
2 minutes later we all knew that was a lie as the front tires went through the floor.
And here is where most of the time took. Inching it up 2"+ at a time from one side to the other using Kevin's portable fork lift. 4 2x4's, 1 2x12 and 1 1" board later the wheels pop out of the floor. Lori went to the store to get a REAL floor board.
On Friday Kevin brought home a new trailer that "kneels" almost to ground level, will hold their big Cadillac and a wonderful floor. And he'll take $40 a ride donation to move your toolbox from point A to B. He'd been thinking about it for awhile but that day was the clincher.
The times and life in Gillette, Wyoming.
1 comment:
Ken, your head looks bad. Hopefully it and your ribs are healing well. Cliffie fell too! The toolbox fiasco looks like it was lotsa fun! Take care and watch your step!
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