Everywhere you look you see RV's - 4,000 of them to be exact. FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) had their 50th birthday party in Gillette. Well over 85% of them were high end coaches. They packed them into many nooks and crannies - like the Rodeo grounds.........Dirt floor......hmmm
They looked like matches in a match box. Way too close for me. As I took KaCe out every morning for PAW (Performing Arts Workshop) I was thankful over and over again for being retired. I smiled as I saw signs such as - This lot for CAM-PLEX PAW Staff only or Please Do Not Walk your pets on this lawn - Children play here during the day. I just grinned and thanked Wyoming Retirement to pay me to stay away. Ahhhhh Life is SO good. Oh Yes and remember the dirt in the rodeo arena -------we got OVER .5" of rain and hail in the afternoon yesterday. UMHUMM - Dirt+rain=MUD :)
This picture was taken from the top of the Heritage Center by I have no idea. Wasn't me. :)
One of the reason we journeyed to Gillette when we did was to let KaCe be in the Performing Arts Workshop. It is an intensive 3-week "workshop" for ages 6-college in 4 companies-Academy, Jr and Sr Company. This year was the 20th Year Anniversary. This year KaCe was more of a participant and less of an observer. He did great and knew all his moves, songs and lines. As I strode down PAW memory lane I must admit there are several memories that aren't so "wonderful". But as with everything growth is painful. (Okay so I typed a LOT of stuff here that probably shouldn't be public so I deleted it - but BOY was it great to express it.) The best part of what has happened is they have an excellent program for the 6-8 year olds; all nighters (or most of the nighters) are still banned for the Senior students and it seems there are still a few lines that won't be crossed for staff. When I took over I made some drastic changes in staff which were very good for the long haul and sent the message of acceptable and unacceptable staff behavior. I DO hope Ethan, KaCe and cousin Kylie get to participate next year and hopefully the year after. If we can coordinate housing for Whitney to be here with them next year (WE are in Oregon) hopefully they can.

The first 1/2 was in black, white and grey. The 2nd 1/2 was WILD. Also they invited alumni back to participate in a couple of songs. It was good to see several of them.

They used the scaffolding (on large wheels). This was a hit with the performers, especially the boys. No, the Academy weren't allowed on them.
The beginning of Munchkinland.
They are assuring us that "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead".......but I think she just came disguised.
And another year is done. KaCe was exstatic to see his brothers, Mom and Dad. He didn't stay in the bus last night, but Ethan did. During the week my left knee has begun to give me fits! If I could just reach down and pull on my foot I'm sure it would be better. But it and not feeling well caused me to rethink keeping Ethan for the next week. I do love that boy but he is SO like his Uncle Mike - if it feels good do it. So he'll be staying a few night by himself in the bus when we return to Rawlins - that is IF he gets KaCe's room cleaned up by the time we get there. :) Gotta love those Gkids!
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