May 19, 2024

But what about the lost 10 years?

Why did I stop blogging?  At the time I just couldn't bring myself to blog as I had nothing to say, nothing to say at all.  Looking back I remember that last post in 2014 thinking I'm done explaining myself, Ken, anything & everything.  I was just done. 

And in the fall of 2014 Ken started getting ill and his pain really got out of control.  He ended up in the hospital in Las Cruces during Thanksgiving.  Again, we went the round of specialists and ultimately in 2015 they found he had prostate cancer.  We moved to Anthony N. M and we drove into El Paso every day for 44 days. This ended on June 1, 2015 causing us to miss Granddaughter Kim's marriage to Phil.  

Ken asked Whit if the boys could come to visit and she & Trav said yes.  We met in Colorado Springs and brought them to NM for 21 days.  KaCe age 10, Ethan age 8 and Aedan age 4.  It was a success and began the "go to NM in the summer" vacation which ended in 2021.  That's it for now! 

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