I saw a tiny sign the other day that read - "Sisters are forever friends!" That is so true of the Forever Friends we have made during the last 5+ years. I remember when Mom went south and came back with so many friends from all over the county. Her and Chuck tried to visit them during the summers but many were just too far away. Every winter they went back to Apache Junction and every spring added more friends. I really didn't get the "Forever Friend" part of that equation. NOW - I get it!!
Yes I'm holding my hands so I'll be good! (See bottom of page.) |
Ken and I retired "early". I chose to leave the working life to hopefully make Ken more comfortable. Then we came to EB and began to make more Forever Friends. Back home in the summer our friends are still friends but they are mostly working and living a different family oriented life. A life we cheerfully join in the summer to make more memories for them as well as us.
Down here it's-well......................how do I say this nicely??????
Well it's ALL ABOUT US!!! We all get it. We are here for more comfort after a lifetime of working through the pain (mental, physical, etc.) We do what we want; when we want and everyone understands when we "don't want". We give each other the respect of knowing our own bodies, likes, dislikes, wants and needs and taking care of ourselves. i.e. I get up early Ken sleeps late; Linda gets our early while Newell does "his thing" in the RV; Dave has EARLY morning coffee and Deb wakes up slowly, reads her book (she's a polecat when she doesn't get a few minutes to read before she rises. :) Love'ya Sista) then faces the day. Wyn QS's (Queen of Sheba) in bed with a book and coffee while Ki sits out with Clay (way after 8 a.m.) and kibitzes. Kathy sleeps late; Doug is up before the chickens. And on it goes. By about 10a.m.ish we can gather to do whatever or NOT as the mood strikes.
Over the winter we share about one another's friends, family, gkids, pets and hear each other's pet peeves (which I must admit sooommmeetimmmes we push those buttons JUST a tiny bit), our aches and pains and we give each other space when we need it. We do our best not to snivel or whine (unless it's for comic effect. Me??? Deb??? Yup!) as we all have aches, pains and sorrow. We realize the benefit of LAUGHING!!! We're going to live a long time from the laughter of the last few years.
Our numbers range from 4-30. Those that can try to gather at least once in the summer. The distance is a real problem for many of us.
Monday night some of us gathered for a last meal (and pics) with Carol/Gary. They are hanging up their Hitchitch Spurs and calling RVing done. The crying begins.
All of our lives changed last Spring when many hugged Sharon goodbye laughing with promises of going gambling in TX as we work in her dialysis for a weekend. No one realized she wouldn't see them again. That was rough on many of us as we had plans...................... And once again Life slapped us; told us to pull up our Big Boy/Girl pants and move on.

We really begain to realize the "Forever" in Friends! Sharon will be with us forever in our memories of such a precious "Sista!" And yes we all treasure Clay and Gypie. Through it all we extended our Forever Family into the Forever Farnham family.
One of the few pictures of Sharon with short hair.
Sharon loved purple. I made her a purple sweatshirt jacket. |
Smile Clay it'll make them think you're up to something. .......... And you ARE!!
Part of the gaggle got together in the Black Hills last summer. We are planning a Nebraska reunion in August.
Last summer when Ken was not doing well (as opposed to November when he REALLY wasn't doing well) I got calls from the FF wondering if we needed them to come lend moral support if nothing else. That so warmed my heart. You see retirees on wheels can do what they want; when they want.........(well kind of). Just knowing they were there and ready to come gave great comfort.
My sista from another mother/father Deb communing. |
Wyn/Ki celebrating an anniversary!
Doug/Kathy celebrating an anniversary! Man it's hard to get one picture of ALL of us. Hmmmm - Linda needs to work on that........... and we can send one to Carol and she can Photoshop them in. Alllllrrrriiigggghhhht! Plan your work, work your plan! as Clay would say.

Yes, my hands got loose and look what happened!!
Finally I can't believe you guys are going to finish the WHOLE thing.
And the crying will continue:
Friday Maurene/Bill blast off to NB or is it NE
Saturday Jan/Ray head out IL
Monday Maynard slides away to MN
The 6th Doug/Kathy head to MN
And it's way to early for ANY of them to go.
But hey, LIFE!
Every season is different and this has been no exception. We each get a little creakier (I may HAVE to go to Yoga with Deb - but don't tell HER!!!) or crankier or _______________(fill in the blanks). The hugs this year are a little longer and a little harder. MAN! I DO love these people! WAIT, WAIT THEY ARE NOT People; They are................................................................
OK so here's the deal: Of the 1,000's of pictures I have a don't have any of the following couples: Roger/Carol
Wyoming George
Mary/Paul and and and and.....................
So be warned I'll be armed and VERY, very dangerous in the fall........................