(Sigh) It's March AGAIN.....it comes too early. However times marches quickly and spring breakup is upon us. In the logging world spring breakup is comes when the frost begins to leave the ground causing the roads to become extremely muddy and the equipment begins to sink offroad - that's when everyone is shut down for a few weeks until the ground tightens. It is a messy time. Well in Retirementland spring breakup is messy also. We are all conscious of "tomorrow" which may not come.

Roger (a new player in the men's group and a pool "whiz") consoles Deb as she once again did butkus. Finally I said enough is enough and we bought a pitcher.....................
she agrees with the pitcher assessment. However that didn't do much either so we donned the war paint and began to hit-using every technique we've observed and practiced over the winter.
Paint - where'd we get paint???? Chaulk makes great paint, especially when applied by Linda.
I'm not sure the NA used paint on their noses......but whatever. We did do better and won a round or two. Personally I think Maurene and Kathy were laughing so hard they really went downhill and we won a pity game or two.
THAT was Thursday. Saturday was BB drop #6 and it went well. Everyone is getting into the swing of the BB way and when we leave in 6 weeks it will be in good hands.
In November I just wasn't up to having our Fried Turkey dinner and there was Thanksgiving and yatayatayata. We had it Sunday. I fried two turkeys in the hot air cooker and Newell smoked a turkey and we had a party. Maurene did gravy and dressing; Ki potatoes, Dave 2 of his pecan pies and Kathy did a large tossed salad. Everyone else filled in around the edges. Thirty of us had a dead turkey kind of time!! I did two I haven't had many 'tovers the last couple of years. This year I made bone soup for Happy Hour Tuesday.

Ken hasn't been going up to the clubhouse as the chairs just make him hurt worse so I "bullied" him (yeah, right) into sitting on the couch with a pillow behind his head and his feet up when he wasn't eating. It obviously was a good position as he reclined there dozing and making smart aleck remarks between snores!
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