Then that afternoon we went to the Moose so we could do a twin activity - pool AND darts. Carol V went with us. We like going to the two organizations in the afternoon - there is hardly any smoke and we can be a "quiet and shy" as we want. Here Bill is teaching Carol the basics.
The pose...........
The Throw.........
.....post throw.....

,,,,,,,trying NOT to molt......
Carol hit is several times and with all THREE darts twice! Good job! Kathy and I, of course, stayed on the pool sidelines and made fun of all of us. I had to put my phone flashlight into service several times to help find Carol's feathers.
And then it was time to head to Denver for our annual visit to the eye docs, to have a Halfway to My Birthday Party & gather enough hugs and kisses to last until the middle of May. Ken decided we needed to go a day early so he could rest and be ready for 1.5 days of constant activity. We took his new GPS. I forgot we had a window attachment so he held in on his lap - it on left side, Wiley on right. They have come a long way since 2007 when all we ever heard was RECALCULATING!! Harvey never got ugly once as we negotiated several stops in Albuquerque. One stop was at Tucanos - the Brazilian Grill we went to on the lady's retreat in November. Ken really liked it.
We decided Santa Fe or Las Vegas was enough for one night and called Whit to make the reservations. Ken missed the part they LV wanted an arm and 4 legs to have Wiley with us. So when he put the address in and told it to search LV it just kept coming up SF. I finally had him call back and we ................... turned into Santa Fe for the night.
He slept until about 9:30 and we were on the road about 10. We lunched in Raton as a little cafe we like (and it's the last good Mexican on the way north). Got into Denver about 4:30 and settled in. Dave and Trav needed some ammo so the next morning I programmed the computer and went on my way (stopping at a bead store on the way :) ) I couldn't find anything for Trav but did get Dave a couple of things. Back to the room to have a light lunch from the cooler and head to the eye apts. It's been 29 years since I had Radial Kerototomy (RK) and 6 years from my Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) surgery. They do 5 computer diagnostic tests as well as the usual glaucoma ones. I still see 20/20 (on good days) - my eyes do fluctuate more than most (RK) and when I bead I use a pair of 1.25 reading glasses. Ken's overall eye health is wonderful. His diabetes (controlled by diet) and cholesterol aren't affecting his eyes. We paid for them to keep up his vision for his lifetime when he had Lasik. As long as we have a yearly checkup he's good.
I took his back to the room so he could rest more and headed back out........this time I realized there is an silent alarm when you speed and it noisy one when there is "congesting ahead 1,3 miles". Hmmmm - So he KNEW when I pulled up to 80 mph and above - no WONDER he kept saying things like: the speed limit here is 55 or pull it down to 65 you don't want a ticket. (I got one last year!!!)

awake at 6:15 am ready for breakfast.
Dad was up after breakfast and we loaded into the Durango for the day. We headed to Bass Pro for ammo for Trav (and more for Dave) - there was so much to see there we made it the "museum and Zoo" for the trip. Live fish - for the zoo and stuffed animals for the museum.
After the Bass Pro stop we headed to the Wings Over the Rockies airplane museum. What a cool place. Planes, planes everywhere.
This one is what they used in the first Star Wars.
Here is the Blue Canoe.....
It is a very BIG place with lots to see.
.......even pilot your own plane.

Lunch and eye appointments were next for the Llewelyn's. And no surprise KaCe needs glasses. He picked some cool ones that have a guitar w/strings on the sides. They'll be in Rawlins sometime next week and he'll begin his journey. All of the glasses we were shown were kid friendly and we hope they last the required 12 months before he gets a new pair. :)
Back at the room we put the 3 down then we headed to the pool tables leaving Gdad with his feet up "in charge" and watching TV.
As usual I put the cueball or 8 ball in a couple of times but Trav beat me fair and square a couple and we shared a win when the table ate the cueball with each of us having one ball each left on the table.
Whit has found a place in Rawlins where we can go play some this summer.
The next morning I suggested we loiter at the room until Gdad got up then we part company letting them visit the Gun Show (contacts for more ammo); Huu Hots (for lunch) and friends in Cheyenne that shared a room in the NICU with Aedan.
I decided we'd go to Trinidad for the night so made reservations there. Dad slept all the way there and then had a long nap and went to bed early. He woke up at 9:30 and we were once again on the road. Got to EB about 4:30-5:00. All in all it was a good time; but next year I'll extend it by two days. And that, as they say, is that!!
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