Arrived at Elk Hollar (not found on maps) in the early afternoon. We wriggled and wriggled and got both of us settled.
I'd made a GC stew the night before so noone would have to cook today and we then settled into the living room to watch whatever show was coming out the big picture window.
Yup. Elk.
Wait. What's going on?
One of the cows took exception to three deer that were crossing the pasture and began to give chase. Who will win??
Well I think it's: Elk 1 and Deer 0
She chased them to the other side of the pump house and they went out of sight.............
She is SO proud as she comes back to the salt block.
Wait! They're back...........but not attempting to go near the salfblock.
With them "under control" she resumes having dessert.
And after they left - more came up to chowdown.
Wes said that Elk don't usually go into the front "yard", but when I staggered out of bed about 5:30 the next morning here is what I saw:
That's how it got its name: Elk Hollar!
Well and a few deer and a couple of cranes.
What will tomorrow bring.
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