May 4, 2014

Mundo and Council

Well spit!  The ram seems to be married to the sign.  Anyway - Mundo, Idaho has an rv park, old barns, an exotic ram and a big hot tub.  Dave/Deb found this by accident.  We had another issue with the MH so we weren't sure we'd catch them in ID.  But we did.  Had to look the sheep up on the internet.  Here's the information: 4 Horned Sheep

I fought those pictures and their arrangement long enough!!!

The dogs had a good time - and the ticks LOVED them.  They had so many I think the darn things were falling out of the trees.
a few weeks ago this area was flooded with spring runoff.  But my is it beautiful now.

Boohoo.  They close the tub for cleaning on Mondays and Tuesdays so I just got a peek at it.  Nice.

This was interesting.  I don't believe I've ever seen a garbology as a college elective but here is a certified one.

Yeah, it was a back in site.  Sooo I'm still thinking we may want to keep this car hauler trailer going.  Right now the score is 1 to keep it 0 to sell it.  Time will tell.

Dave cleaned out the Jeep and we loaded up to go see George and Joan Wilson more NM snowbirds.  It is a beautiful spot.  Want to buy it?  It will soon be up for sale.  They reached that time in their life that it is time to just be in one place.  I know they are sad to do this.

Joan with the most scrumptious pizzas from a Council taken'bake pizzeria.

Deb and I have decided over the past few days that we are headed to CostCo when we get to Wallowa - or that W town as Deb refers to it.

These cattail lights come from - yup - CostCo.
From about 300 pictures I got one I kind of like.  Joan told us the hummingbirds had been back about a week.    

Joan, the fire alarm is going off.

Wiley perching on Dad's lap.  Yikes he said there are 4 of them big dogs.

Wiley and Sarah wait (not) patiently on the porch outside the kitchen sink.

They do have some garden that is planted - I wonder if they sell quickly if they'll reap the harvest so to speak?

It was a great visit, but now we need to go back to Mundo.  Wonder if we can find our way?

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