Jan 15, 2011

The Circus and a Birth Day

I knew it was gonna be that kind of day when I had to go back into the house to get a forgotten item THREE times.  hmmppf!  My mother would have been appalled I didn't sit down in a rocking chair then walk around the chair three times before I went back to the pickup.  Don't ask me.........that was my mom.

Well - First E squared made his appearance and all is well at this point.  But WHAT a day!  Take KaCe to school at 9 am; go to WW to pick up  a couple of things I forgot to bring; go to apt to organize what stays there; what goes to K/L's and what goes to hospital; go pick up KaCe and reward them with lunch at McDonald's. 

Meanwhile W/T went to get thermostat for van; doc told her to go to hospital to get checked.  This done the hospital says she's not ready but we'll check you in a few more minutes and then send you home.  Whitney sends Travis to work.

We get to M-D's at 11:37 for food.  At 12:20 some dude yells to the crows "Anybody here have a Chev Colorado?  You vehicle just got the rear end taken out of it."  Fortunately there was some acquaintances in the M-D's playroom that took care of the boys.  The two guys that saw it were watching the "little old lady" as it looked like she was leaving.  I ran out and began to knock on the side of her pickup saying, "Please stop and park!"......over and over and....  She did stop and when I said she'd run into the pkp she said "But I didn't hurt it!"  YES! You did.  I know I sounded like a cop then, "You need to park right there and give me some informtion."  She did and when she looked at the pkp she THEN said, "Are you sure it wasn't already like that?" YES. I. AM. SURE!       I get the info and before I can get back inside Lori screeches up and says "Whey isn't your phone on?  They broke Whit's water and ESquared is on his way."  (My phone had died and was in the process of charging in the pkp.)  So I lost the cards with the info; I rush back inside grill the LOL again for info; get the witnesses info; throw footwear on the boys; throw then into the other pkp and head to CCMH.

But Wait!  Where do I park?  What have they done to this place?  Keep driving north - where did THAT parking garage come from?  OK so it's been a few years since I've been here.

I get to the Whit's room at 12:55 just in time to do the litany of "In 2, 3, Out 2, 3" over and over and over.  And when I would quit Whit would spit out Breathe Mom and again it was In 2, 3; out 2, 3 and "Suck that oxygen in girl you're cheating.  blow ALL that air out not just the top 1/4."  

This was a high tech delivery unlike the first delivery that has all the X rated pictures of.  I took clocks and monitors and etc.  At 2:10 Whitney predictably says; "OK. I;m changing my mind.  Give me the epidural.  I can't do this.  I'm done."  Travis says at Sellene to hurry and get the nurse this baby is about here.  Meanwhile I say, "Too late.  Suck it up girl and breathe.  Listen up IN 2, 3 OUT 2, 3.  This boy's almost here"  Nurse came in; checked and all hell broke loose; moving this and that and gowning and capping and getting lights and I'm still across the room saying "Whitney concentrate - I N 2   3  O U T 2,  3)  And at 2:22 Aedan Thomas was born three weeks early and screaming..  19.5" ; 6.159 #

Shortly after being born he was taken to the level 2 nursery so they could monitor his lungs.  They have him on oxygen and they say this is common especially with boys.  He has wonderful nurses and a great doctor. 


up KaCe

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