Golf - with a stick is another story. However, our friend Linda woke in the middle of the night and decided she needed to learn how to play golf; promptly recruited Debbie and then emailed me. Linda and Newell are flying back to ND to visit gkids so we'll all start after the first of February. I last attempted golf in 1971 in college. It is probably a good idea if I have totally FORGOTTEN whatever I learned then.
On the 7th floor where Aedan is in Denver here is a cool bulletin board. These are the "certified" cuddlers that come to the hospital to give these babies some personal cuddle time. When they arrive they move their picture to the bottom left hand corner to show they are "on duty". Many of these babies remain hospitalized months. Moms and Dads often must return home and visit on occasion. The cuddlers give these babies personal love time. What an awesome job.
When Whitney and Aedan first got here she had nothing "personal" to give him - translate lay in his bed. One of the nurses said to wait a minute. She brought back this little quilt with a hand written note. It talked about her son Henry being in this hospital a few years ago and like Whitney they came with nothing. She saw the small personal touches the babies have. Someone made a small quilt for Henry - it was about 2' by2' and fit on the "mattress". She was so grateful she and her friends have made it a mission to make and send these for the families. Henry's quilt will have a place of honor in the Llewelyn household when they get home.
We went to JoAnn's Fabric yesterday to feed my new OCD and there was a no sew blanket kit on sale. We looked at one another and grinned. We knew we wouldn't do it "correctly" and it surely would be a one of a kind. Here is an example of our unorthodox ways. Yes that would be MY child sitting bass-ackwards doing the left hand cutting.

Finally, what post would be complete without a current picture of Aedan without all his tubes, wires, beepers, etc. He only has his heart and respiration monitor and the IV which is now in his head. You can't see it in this picture. He's laying on it. If this one blows they won't put another one in (as the nurses are rebeling, telling the doc it's HER turn to torture the boy.) but will give him his medication via injection.
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