TOE SHOES!! Last summer at Middleton we met a man that wears them all the time. He waxed eloquent about the benefits of being "nearly barefoot". It just makes my "toes" shudder to think about having something like that between my toes. Go ahead google "toe shoes" you'll get one of two. The Vibram site with the individual shoes OR the red BIZARRE ones. I have always been known by the "quirky" shoes I've found from time to time. But these are just beyond even me. I'm thinking I'll just go barefoot! I want Debbie and Marilyn to try these shoes out. They advertise them as good for yoga. Me? I'll just stick with my walking, Thank you! Thank you very much!
THE SUN WAS SHINING EARLY THIS MORNING!!! so I sat outside (with Sharon as witness) this morning while the sun was out so I can count today as "sitting in the sun". The last two days of 2010 are gonna suck. HOWEVER, we have been so blessed to be able to sit outside 85% of December. sigh, whine, cheese.