Oct 14, 2012

Like I NEED Another Project - But What the Heck

I started out the season withe 3 goals to accomplish: downloading audio books to the external; changing cassette audiobooks to mp3 and finally changing about 50 VHS's into DVD's.  Done with the first, the second will be a long process and haven't even started the third.  Yesterday I was searching for some music and found a box.  Inside was a beaded collar and a note in my mother's handwriting stating it was her grandmother Ida Jane Simonis.  There was many threads loose and several loose beads in the box.  Well, what better project than restoring this heirloom?  I can't remember when she died so will have to look it up.  Mom was born in 1913 so it is fairly old.

Into the West has been on AMC and I recorded all 6 episodes.  Today I began the process of transferring them to DVD with my little Vidbox and its program.  Each episode is 2 hours so it will be awhile. IF I am very sharp I can do a DVD AND transfer a cassette or 4 every morning. while ...........beading............!  :)

Ken IS feeling much better.  The med change and getting rested up from the trip are dovetailing into him being better.  Today he went out and added a 12 volt plugin into the pickup bed so we can put the cooler back there.  Of course there is a teeny, tiny little glitch.  My keys were in the pkp already and his were in the ignition and he bumped the electric lock button then shut the door.  :)  Will be calling the locksmith bright and early tomorrow morning.

And then there's Bill.  During Happy Hour he came out in a Willie look alike hat.    

When next he went in he came out with a Scottish theme.  :)  YOU be the judge.  Are we having fun or what??

Speaking of fun - where the devil are Dave and Deb???? They didn't answer the phone today.  The manbox for the back of their new semi must be taking a loooonnng time to create and weld.  She better get down here for her birthday----I have PLANS!!! heh heh heh heh.

And another day is done southern New Mexico.

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