Aug 31, 2009

Birthday girl - Happy 25th BD Whitney

First in Gillette Ethan was playing with the big rocks and dropped one on his big toe.  So it is too swollen to put a shoe on so we put on a "cast" bandaid, sock taped on leg and are going about our business.  It was Whitney's birthday.  We went up Casper Mountain and had a good day.  Mike, Mindy, Josh and their dog came.  A beautiful day complete with birthday cake and bubbles.

Aug 15, 2009

Fun at the Natrona County Library

Ken didn't feel like going so he got to stay home.  We went to the Literacy Circus early so the boys got to us the bouncing game a lot before it got busy.  Then we went inside where we waited a little to get into the story room for a presentation by the Denver Zoo - I enjoyed everything but the snake.  They enjoyed it all.

Aug 13, 2009

It's all about the bus, the tramp and spending time together

The boys have grown, grown, grown.  They love to run and jump on the tramp.  We walked to "Big Kid School" for the open house and the tour of KaCe's room.  Then we came back home and the boys had a fight  with mom.  Good, good day.

Aug 8, 2009

Casper Cancer Walk

Wyoming Singer/Songwriter Bryan Ragsdale

More doctors dressed up.
What doctors won't do for charity.

Got to Casper in time for the Casper Cancer Walk and Survivor's Dinner.  Sine we've only attended in gillette it was fun to see how someone else does it.  It was great and Bryan Ragsdale entertained.  We then went out to do the first lap.  Whitney's doctors were part of a group of doctors that (for $$donations) cross dressed and were being part of a "talent" show.  It was hilarious.  Great money raiser.  It was a great time. We got up early Saturday morning and took the boys to Sesame Street Live!! Loved it.Nothing like a little Grover and Cookie Monster to brighten a day!

Aug 2, 2009

I may not have to go to jail afterall

Made it to Lander for the WyAA Board Retreat next week.  Whitney and the boys met us here and she brought a tower and monitor for Ken.  Whew!  I won't have to go to jail after all.  We now have our little network setup and he can farm 24/7 for all I care.  We got him set up with his own email and farm in Farm Town.  Ahhhh  - life is good.  We'll be here for a week while we do a WyAA Board Retreat.  Good to see Whit and the boys.  We went up Popo Agie Canyon today to see the BIG fish.  However we did not see any big Horn Sheep.