Sep 30, 2012

The Real 2012 Family Pics

It is what it is what it was...........4 semi adults, three boys and a dog to get setup all at the SAME time.  Nope!  We didn't make it.  But what is left is full of memories!

 This is my pick of all of us.  Whitney is holding her ipod to Aedan's ear hoping he will simply rock out to the music.  Didn't happen.   Ethan on the far left was supposed to take a serious picture.  And then there is Wiley.  He really feels like his backside is the most photogenic.

 So we tried again thinking we could just huddle and it would work.  mmmm-not so much.
 She then decided we should do a crazy one and
get it out of our system.  Probably the most successful one of the whole evening.

Then we decided to go for smaller groups.
It was better for Wiley anyway.

Evan KaCe - age 6
He really only answers to KaCe (spelled correctly).
First Grader at Buffalo Ridge 
He finally 'got' Grandad's humor this summer and could be heard to say Grrraaannnndadddd quite often.  He is our thinker/contemplater. 

 Ethan Jacob - age 4 - the family storyteller.
"Actually" is one of his favorite words.
I'm thinking those blue eyes are going to get him in trouble down the road.

Finally we have Aedan Thomas - age 1.5 going on 40.  He is the family silent comedian.  He is a combination of everyone and mostly has a wonderful sense of humor (even with many allergies to FOOD!) He loves to listen to music on his mom's ipod.  
We like him to listen as it keeps him quiet for
about 45 seconds.  :)
The end of another summer in Wyoming.  Wonder what 2013 will bring?

Sep 16, 2012

More Dating??? Developing a plan for 2013.

Got home late - imagine that.  We are staying at the Loveland RV Resort.  So proud Erick helped us find the back way out year before last.  that means I don't have to improvise turning us around in a parking lot.  :)  Note to self - reserve the spot early in the summer.  It was a bit cramped in the back row.

The good news - JoAnn's Fabric (beads) just across the fence.
Left earlier and stopped at Riverbend , Riverroad, Riversomething  to visit with Dick/Donna who were hosting there.  It is at the foot of the Big Thompson Canyon.  Good to see them; but I fear they have worked themselves to death there this summer.  It took 3 answering the phone, ehecking people in ladies to keep the buzz down to a roar.

We headed on up - screeching into a fruit stand to get some Palisade peaches (quadruple yum!), cukes and tomatoes!!) then bypassed the first meadow to go on over the top.  Yup!  Guess where the herd was??  No brainer.

More discerning tonight with pics.  Just like this one - no big deal.

This bull had to work hard to keep his babes lined up.  Another favorite from tonight.

And finally...........

One final bugle!

Yes!  Short hop tomorrow to Raton, NM to the NRA Whittington Center campground.  Thanks Carol for sharing this place with us.  Very peaceful.

Sep 15, 2012

Is it dating season?

As we didn't get to go to RM National Park above Estes Park last fall we were looking forward to an "elk fix".  We left Casper about 11 am bound for Loveland and racing up Big Thompson Canyon in order to hopefully gets pics of the elk.  ANNNNNDDDD we made it!!
When you arrive at the first meadow your first clue is the amount of cars lined up everywhere - translation 'thars critters in that there field'.
The bull above takes a small break from herding 'his women' away from the other guys.  This was almost a full time job.

On around the corner was a couple frisky boys learning the fighting ropes.

And OF COURSE beside every pair of fighting males is a cocky, twitchy good looking girls.  Look at that stride!!  I think it may be her first year in the dating pool.  :)

Around another bend was a REAL bad boy with his harem.  However when a visiting guy
came along he made short work of him sending him south.



Well, spit!  Isn't that just like a group of women.  All of a sudden they ALL want to wander and eat.  Women!!

I think I'll bellow some more!!

Wow! A deer.  We've never seen deer up there in the fall.  woot, woot!

On around several more corners and we look down on the first herd accompanied by all the gawkers.

Another herd, more bulls, more cows/calves same story verse 471.

I really like this picture.
Get you tail back here!!!

Looking a little frazzled guy.  You've still got weeks and weeks to go.

Fight, fight, fight!  Is that all you guys do???
Yup - in late September!

And finally another male on the prowl.  Wonder how long it'll take for him to get his tail whupped?

Sep 8, 2012

The 2nd Halfway to my birthday and MORE playgrounds

Yes Grandad is better.  He can put his arms above his head.  Woohoo!

Wylie and Vixie OR Vixie and Wiley?  You decide.
Sierra Glen Park

Sunflower Park - Awesome.  It got an 8!!

And then we had the 2nd Halfway to My Birthday part.  Next summer we are going to have 3 so that means one a month.  We went to Gillette's version of CheckECheese - Mac and Roonies.

Aedan's is really into the driving.

KaCe is enthralled with small, small toys.  He is happy with his cupfull of gummy - thingz!
Dad and Ethan play on their favorites.

Ethan and I went to the Fishing Lake Park.  It's a 6 on the Playground scale.
Then on the weekend we went to the Bike Rodeo.  Aedan got a bike helmet.
Not that he has a bike to ride.

The policemen check the bikes, fit helmets and show everyone the ropes on the course.

It was a STUPENDOUS day!!