Oct 15, 2009

The first dinner of the season and loading a car INTO a truck

 Today it was time for the first potluck of the season.  First though we had to watch a car being loaded.  It is a one of a kind rig from Oregon.  They have a big 5th wheel that they pull with a truck with a "garage" for their car on the back.  I remember seeing this vehicle at The Great North American RV Rally in Gillette in 2000. Here is a video of the photos I took.
Randy and Linda are workampers again this winter.
Stephanie and Michael - workampers

Sharon, Clay and Pat.  Pat is the manager this winter.

So glad to see Linda and Newell back for another season.

Estella  sitting with Gary Leo.  They never left this spring.

 So glad we are here earlier this year.  Yeessss!!

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