Dec 3, 2010

Payback #2: How much more humble do I have to be? Crow is NOT that good.

Today I woke early and am SO MUCH BETTER.  Then we went to town for groceries and I came back wiped out!!  Holy Spit Myrtle - this BPPV is for the birds.  At least the dizziness isn't anywhere as bad as it was.  My ear has no ringing or wind tunneling.  However I broked my "no nap" rule and took one today.  Hopefully I'll still be able to sleep.  My Canadian friend Dianne gave me Gravol and I'm going to take one and hit the hay.  Tomorrow I'm going back to the 3 mile walk - the easy one though.

Rats!!  Groveling 101 again.  So 2+ years ago Ken decided his shoulder was sore and we should switch sides of the bed.  I moaned; groaned; griped and whined for about a month but I agreed to change.  Well after doing more research on the vertigo I realized I was sleeping on the wrong side and needed to be on the other.  Spit! Spit! Spit!  Oh Ken dear how's your shoulder doing?  Really; not that good?  Maybe if we changed it would feel better?   No.  OK - I'm sorry for all those things I said.  May we PLEASE switch?   Thank you honey, you're a gem!

On a brighter note we got our RV washed and partially waxed.  Dave and Debbie have quit work camping and started a RV wash business.  They do a stupendous job and reworked what I got done while in WY at Kev/Lori's.  They've been as busy as they want which leaves time to join us for "jeepin'".

So we move on to other needed fixes: roof - check; wash - check; steer safe - not yet; on demand water heater - not yet.   Clay and Sharon just got back from Deming to have their Steer Safe installed.  He is a firm believer in it.  We will be doing ours before we leave in the late spring.    We got Pressure Pro to help analyze the tires, etc.  Now with steer safe we cover driver fatigue and front blowout problems.

WOOHOO!! Karen and Cliff are on their way.  Both have been okayed to travel and they boogied today after the doc release.  I'm betting they'll be here by late tomorrow or early early Sunday.    We postponed the fried turkey dinner until we all got here so we'll be thinking about scheduling it again.

Love, love, love the new park and "The Village" we have created.  Hope the bro/wife will come visit this winter.

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