Apr 15, 2014

Coming Up For Air - February thru Mid-April 2014

(Actually updated in May, but What the heck?)  What a spring!  Ken is thankfully feeling much better and he began "getting into trouble" reminiscent of years gone by.  We are still weaning him off one of his medications (epilepsy) and he appears to be doing good.  His brain is working at a MUCH faster gate than it has been for about 4+ years.  Instead of planning his funeral (last September) he has moved on to upgrading the RV (I said NO!) right into upgrading the pkup.  Oh boy!! The stress of this decision is STILL riding on my shoulders as we had to go to Plan X in order to get IT north!!

 4 of us went exploring in Albuquerque. (Thank you Kathy for sharing your room and points with us.  We DO appreciate it!)  It had been years since I'd been to Old Town and we spent an afternoon there while Kathy let the slot machines cool off.
Route 66 Casino Hotel (I make that sound like it's separate from the Casino don't I.  NOT!
While in Old Town I decided to have Ken's old ring (1971) resized for his finger.  I had bunged up mine and the knuckle won't ever be smaller.  HE doesn't load logs any longer so it is now safe on his finger.
 During this time Debbie got us hooked on Temari  (say this with the LITTLE finger of the right hand extended and dulcet voice.  Yuk, Yuk!!)  You can find WAY more information than you probably want here:

Balls for Brains  Yes Debbie thought this title up.  It's our ball blog.  :)

 We assimulated another couple this year.  Betsy and Tom Rhomburg - great people!  Although Tom is having health problems they are managing.  The VFW got a shuffleboard machine and we went there on Tuesday afternoons.  (Free on Tuesdays.  What else?  We're retired.  )

Here is Tom and Maurene
Betsy and Bill

Then Ken got a haircut.  He got stung a few years ago so he no longer says there's only 3 weeks between a good haircut and a bad one.  The guy's been cutting his hair for 7 years.  Not any more.  :)

 Ken and I made a trip to Silver City where I got a horrible cold!!
This is between Silver City and Roberts Lake.
We did see wildlife - just one!
Silver City is a pretty little town in the hills - however it's too cold up there for our taste.

 Maybe this will be the year for mailboxes again.  Who knows.

In between times we went to Mexico to the dentist.  It was Kathy's turn in the chair and as she had been a trooper and gone with me I returned the favor.  This day Tom and Betsy went with.
And finally it was April we prepared to go to Las Cruces to get the new drive shaft put in that would enable us to tow 4 down. (Just like Jim & Claire have.)  The day before Mike called and said it was on back order and wouldn't be in until May sometime.  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!  That afternoon we found 2 car hauler trailers in TorC.  One needed brakes, one needed tires and both had seen better days. Grrr!  So off to Cruces for yet another doctor appoinment to see what we could fine.  We found a wonderful Mexican restaurant that makes to die for tomatillo sauce and Ken literally downed his sorrows in it and a Mega Burrito!!  Oh and yes we found a new car hauler with brakes and tires and the whole enchildada.  Of course it's price tage came with the enchildada also.  Decision time!

1 comment:

Route 66 Casino Hotel said...

Great travel Blog, it was nice to read about your trip to New Mexico. Thank you for stopping by to visit us here at Route 66 Casino Hotel!