Aug 10, 2008

Lander is a great little town

We came to Lander on Thursday. We are staying at the Pioneer RV Park. Phyllis (the owner) has done a great job in just a very few years. The spots are level gravel, with a nice picnic table and a beautiful bucket o'flowers in each area. There are no trees to mess with your roof or with sap to drip on your roof. (I just found out I now Care about these things.) There are two Workampers here helping her out. I made calls on Friday and spent the weekend working on the computer and helping Ken install a "surround sound" system in TB. We are sick and tired of having the TV up so loud it shakes the earth underneath us. Of course now Ken has the subwoofer up to hear the bass. OMG! What has he turned into. Oh well, we went to Riverton Friday to look for some doodads for Ken. Lander didn't have them. On the way back we stopped at the local Farmer's Market and got some fresh veggies. Tomorrow Whitney, KaCe and Ethan come. Whit and I have meetings and Grandad will watch the boys. On Thursday afternoon I want to take them to the Children's Museum here. (Prolbably only KaCe.) We will be here through Friday and there won't be any site seeing so probably won't have anything to say. :) We DID watch the opening to the Olympics. It was so awesome that we watched parts of it twice. Once on the East Coast feed and once on the West Coast feed. Just watched the US swim team win and silence the French boys that were pretty mouthy before the swim.

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