Mar 1, 2011

The future for Hayden?

My heart is so heavy for Erick and the future he is facing for Hayden.  Her lungs have "substantial" damage.  She  is living at "mile high" Denver right now but she will have trouble going to a higher elevation (so shouldn't)  and activities such as swimming are going to be out.  At present they are wondering if she doesn't have another infection.  Her liver is very swollen and has been "pushed down".  The doc aren't sure why and are investigating this.  Her kidneys "at best" will only come back to 50% function.  Although they will not take her into danger they have begun to "dehydrate" her.   She is still on two life supports - kidneys and lung. 

Erick is beside himself.  He is putting the Red Feather house up for sale (anyone want a good deal?) and he and Whitney have a new apartment in the valley.  Kevin and Jaci came down with pkups last weekend and moved 2 loads down for him. Finding this was totally a "Godthing".  He went to visit a lady and came away with a place to live.

Erick and Vanessa had sat down and agreed upon an immunization schedule.  Vanessa (and MGma maternal grandma) were against any because of autism, etc.  Erick wanted some.  They agreed upon a spread out schedule.  One of the shots would have been the pneumococcal vaccination at 17 months.  A cursory study of Hayden's records show not only no PVC-13 nor PPVSV shot being given; but NO vaccinations of any kind have been given to her.

Hayden first got sepsis.

This doesn't make a hill of beans of difference but this was totally avoidable.  Now Hayden will live with the consequences of cross purpose decisions.   Of course this will come to play in the coming days as they learn more and more little "tidbits" of Hayden's future.  The fight will be bloody and perhaps long but oh well.  There are probably more tidbits to glean from the medical records.

I am just overwhelmed with saddness and the realization that once again this generation will be embroiled in a custody battle.  In 1975 Ken was awarded custody of his two girls in Houston Texas.  It was a 2 week jury trial.  We received custody of the older one Mona by proving her mother set out to turn her again Ken (brainwashing).  Custody of Lucky (Lucretia) was granted because the change would benefit her mentally, emotionally and physically.  And although we have been scorned for not providing "proper counseling" we did what was available at the time (they were called social workers then) and we followed the advice of about 6 of them.

Then in 1989 Mona and her husband Kevin were separating.  Because of the lifestyle Mona was leading Ken and I felt strongly that Kevin needed to retain custody of Mykel (later changed to Mike) and Erick.  Ken testified for Kevin.  By this time Kevin was taking total care of them anyhow so there was little change.  The judge award Kevin temporary custody.  When Mona realized he would probably win in the end she told him that if he'd give her "everything" he could have custody.  (car, furniture, linens, etc. you know "everything").  And so it was.  Mona ended up back in Texas and she had a couple of visitations there.  However when Erick got back from one of them he began a campaign to have Lori (Kev's new wife) adopt them.  Not sure what happened but it made a lasting impression on the lad.  He got his way and is quick to say who is mother is - Lori.

Now in 2011 the cycle has started again. Women have decided their wants come before the welfare of the child.  And once again it appears there are people out there who believe in "looking out for the child" takes precedent over "blood is thicker than water".  I pray this is true and that whatever it takes Hayden will be first.

Please God give Erick guidance in the path that has been dealt to him.  Give him wisdom to act for the good and not in retaliation.  Hayden must remain the goal.

Here is Grrrrmama Lori's status update from Monday:  
Hayden had a rough day yesterday - ran a fever. Dr's thought it might be another infection & did blood tests & xrays. So far, nothing has cultured! Kidneys have a 50% max chance of working again according to Dr's. :( Liver is swollen. Today she did much better. Ventilator levels lowered. She HATES that tube down her throat and keeps trying to bite it! Please keep praying for her.

1 comment:

Wyn said...

Unbelievably heartbreaking. Prayers continued, of course.