Feb 9, 2011

Our new neighbor Roadie

Sunday was a snowy day in Gillette but I got ready to go home to NM anyway.  Ken called and told me the cameras were showing pavement and to come ahead.  I DO remember him telling me the cameras around Colorado Springs were out.  Kissing and hugging all goodbye I head out at 9:30 a.m.  Lost the snow and breeze just outside of town and traveled on pavement getting to Pueblo at 5:30 p.m.  It was COLD there and the weather was crappy.  Having learned my lesson a couple of years ago I had Whitney make a reservation just before I stopped. Three years ago I had her make a reservation for a town I THOUGHT I could make it to; then proceeded to drive in a horrible, no visibility storm over Raton Pass to get there.  I had dinner, warmed up with a hot bath and settled down to sleep.  NOT good.  I was on the bottom floor on the end and there were a lot of late comers they put in the upstairs clomping all night.
Up at 5:30 I headed out.  The road was bare on one side and that side kept changing and wandering around.  There had been enough traffic to keep it dry but the other areas were slick with icy snow.  I ran out of snow just south of Raton and the sun began to beat down.  I think I'm getting drowsy.............yep.  I pulled off at a rest area, pushed the seat down, put my sleep mask on and let the sun beat through the window as I sawed some logs.  Man oh man there is NOTHING like the New Mexico sun.
I still have a residule cough from my sinus infection (of COURSE I got one!!) and when I get hot it comes with a vengeance.  So where did I get hot???  In the middle of traffic in Albuquerque.  I finally realized if I was going to live to see another day drastic measures were needed.  Down went the windows and I turned on the AC -  Waaalaa!  No more cough - I froze the sucker out.
I was just outside Socorro when Ken called and told me the frig was out and to prepare to buy a new one.  Oh joy!

Pulled into EB about 4:30.  Hugs and kisses all around.  And what is the first topic of conversation between Deb and me?    SW - what else.  She says, "I'm addicted."  I laughed and said so was I!!  Nothing like a good peice of material, yarn and needle for some good old fashioned Swedish Weaving.  OR in Debbie's world "Spanish Weaving".

Ken and Chip had the cover lifted up for the frig with our ceramic heater running full tilt pointing into the back of the frig.  There is something wrong with this picture................ oh well.  Let the guys have their little fling.
Dave, Deb, Ken and I went out to dinner for a "let's catch her up on the 80's happenings."  When we got back we realized the frig was hot enough to thaw and was once again working.  Chip told us there were about 10 units like this in the area.

Then yesterday I met Roadie.
Roadie, so named by Deb, is our resident RoadRunner.  (Do NOT google "How to identify the sex of a Road Runner.........it's not pretty!!)
The roadrunner is a bird the size of a chicken??? Not.  More like an anerexic chicken maybe.  As tall as a chicken - maybe.  But no chickens like we raised to eat.  We THINK he is a guy - I say that because after my abysmal attempt at googling I don't care anymore.  Anyway, Roadie is spending his time going up and down the row panhandling.  And if you don't give him food he jumps up on your rig.  The white rig is Dave/Debbie's and the dark one is Maynard's.  We will FEED YOU.  Stay OFF my hood!!

 I love this picture.  Roadie is in perfect getaway mode with his little topknot up and his tail down.
And so it begins........so good to be back in NM. This week there is the Ladies Luncheon, pool on Thursday, Mexico Celebration in Palomas Friday and Prime Rib Valentine's Dinner on Saturday.  In between is the new addiction (I have black, red, navy, turquoise, yellow, white and off white Monk's Cloth prepared and ready for the yarn and needle.  I TOLD you I was obsessed.)

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