Sep 18, 2011

Green Chile for the winter

 Today was green chile day.  Wyn, Sharon and I split a sack of Big Jim Green Chiles (medium hot).  Then I bought a 1/2 sack of Sandia Hots for Ken. In addition we bought about 2 lbs of Lumbre`.  That would be the take the top of your head off kind.  I am determined to make Ken cry uncle. heh heh heh!  We went to Hatch Chile Express to pick it up.   Here the chilies are in the roaster with the flame lit and the barrel rolling.  About 3 minutes for this batch.

When done he pours them into a bucket and takes them over to the cold water bath which stops the cooking and peels most of the skin off.  The skins comes sluicing out from under the tin wall on the right.

 Chile is BIG BUSINESS in Hatch, New Mexico.  This year with the drought the crop was in jeopardy.  Those with their own wells did okay, but others were sweating it.

 We got back to The Alley about 2 pm and the assembly line was formed.  Everyone had a job
.Sharon and I rinsed and scraped the remainder of the skin off.

 Ki trimmed the stems off while Wyn bagged them into quart bags.  We were careful to wear gloves not wanting to be a "chile" disaster by letting the juice get into any cuts on our fingers.

 Clay was the referee and ramrod.  Here he is contemplating how to get Ken to load the freezer properly.

Ken was the bag drier and stacker while Wyn did double duty in the labeling department.  Ken also loaded them into the freezer.

We ended up with 39 Big Jim bags and 32 Sandia hot bags.  It's going to be a good GC year.

Meanwhile the cat is bugging the dog in the motorhome.

We finished about 4:20pm in time for a short rest then we had the "clean out the freezer" hot dog feed.  Marilyn, Loren, Richard and John came for dinner and yacking.   And with Denver winning it was a great Sunday afternoon.

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