Jun 5, 2013

Graduation with Field Day

Guaduation?  In preschool?  Yup.  Off we went to see Ethan in his cap and gown.  
I really don't think Aedan was impressed.

My great neice CeeJae was one of his teachers.

Giving Miss Stephanie (CeeJae's SIL) a going away blanket.  She's moving on to older pastures.
As I took the wrong camera (the one that doesn't stop the action well) I don't have many pics of Ethan.  He never stays still.  But here he is The Ham - third from the right.
And Kendall (Ceej's girl) 5th from the right.

Cee Jae givin Kendall a big hug - that brought lots of tears in the audience.
And finally.  It's official - He is a Kendergartner!  Yes, can't even stand still for a still photo.

Next was KaCe's field day.  It was SO cold.  I had layers and layers on including long handles. So I went to the side of the building and stayed there watching.  Pansy?  Yup!!  Ethan using the slide improperly.

Ethan and tether ball

KaCe getting ready for basketball.

Notice the little boy with the ball head - Aedan
Aedan driving the girls.

KaCe putting his bullet proof vest on.  Next came the helmut and the sheild.  Then they chased a bad guy.  Funny he was wearing a policeman's uniform.  Great fun!

Here he comes.  He's about the catch the bad guy.
A field day wouldn't be complete without running.

After the running he took pity on Grams and told us to go home.  We did.

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