Jun 16, 2013

The Bull Starts Here????? And it's HOW deep?

After going to the Children's Memorial we rested awhile then went out to the Lodge to eat and watch the branding process.  I was tickled to see they are keeping their perspective.  They even measure it.

I presented Ron with his Mexican hat.  He wasn't sure in the beginning he wanted my "surprise" but he fell right in when I plopped it on his head.  Then I gave him the Fish Asshole and Chicken Lips cans and the night had begun.
Chartered in 2002 the Lodge finally has a home of it's own.,  It's tiny but has room to grow.  They were branding boards to become decoration in the lodge.  Duane - Jack of trades and MASTER of them all - fixed BBQ for dinner and the members brought sides to compliment it.

Nola, Bev (SIL) and Ken study the current results.

After branding - they wrote who, what, when and where about their brand.
The one on the far left is the Nephew's brand.
Somebody should have brought the calves - it was all set to go. And they could have done all the brands on all the calves!  Oops!  It's not done that way is it?

Back inside 2 Gmas attempt getting the booster seat securely attached..........
.....HOW many Gmas does it take???
Yup - 2 and an Exhausted Rooster (Exalted Ruler).  :)
Just had to get the two crazy hat men.  I love both hats.

Then since he had been so good (for 3 hours entertaining himself) I took KaCe home.

Back home we had us a Mardi Gras!!!

And that ends the first week in Gillette.  Bring on the rest of them!

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