Jul 2, 2009

The curtains must be shortened...

Betty always has her sewing machine up so today I decided that the front curtain needs to be shortened 12" so took them down; went to Betty's; figured out a way and the look I wanted; cut off the excess; sewed them up; put them up across the front and SPIT - they are too short!! How could they be too short??? Easy. Now what shall I do??? Go back to Betty's and hurumph around. Added this; then took that off; sewed some more brought them back put them up and SPIT they are butt ugly from the outside. Harumphing a lot I got into the pkp and went to Enterprise to the sewing notion store. Well that was a trip! Took me awhile to recover from the shock of seeing Enterprise. Many, many stores on "main street" are empty. I could only find a quilting store which didn't have what I needed (wanted). So I trudged up to Joseph - GADFLY! that place has changed. There are lots of businesses up there; main street has been widened and landscaped and there is only one place closed down (but a BIG place). However what it has are bars, restaurants, gift shops, bars, a foundry, restaurants and did I mention bars? So trundled back to Enterprise thinking to drive the downtown area (2 minutes) to see if there is anything on the side streets. YUP! Found it. Found some braid and while the nice lady cut it I wandered and found a t-shirt that reads something like The end of the earth 8 miles; Enterprise, Oregon 12 miles...........chuckled about tat awhile. Trudged back to Wallowa; hurumped some more, sewed the suckers up; put them back up; covered the inside with my pictures, hurumphed some more and said - Yup that's fine; and we all know what that means. Enough said.
Meeting Craig and Cathy Holmes in Lostine tomorrow to catch up on old times and see the world (region?? state?? ok county famous flea market. Can't wait. I love fleas.

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