Jul 8, 2009

Sleeping in Lostine......

So on the way to Enterprise the other day we made a little detour to see Granny/Grandy's old place and found a couple of young men walking so we stopped and talked with them. Quick as a wink the littlest one began giving his schpeel about this stupendous cleaner - very biodegradable, etc., etc., clean your face; clean your floor; clean your car; clea........wait a minute. So will it take oil out of gelcoat on a MH? Of course, of course! So we bought it with me alluding to the fact that if it didn't take the oil out I WOULD be hunting them. And in a county of 7,000 it wouldn't be hard to find them. So the next morning I got up and tried it out. GREAT STUFF!! I love it. (Advanage.) It took the oil from last year off as well. I am happy.
At the Flea Market we asked the repair shop there if they work on Cumins engines in RV's? Sure! Great what day? So we took TB (The Bus) up there yesterday. We asked if they didn't get it finished could we sleep there? Of course the seal he had wasn't the one he needed so we volunteered to go to Cumins in Pendleton to get it for early this morning. What a great drive. We went through LaGrande and came back through Tollgate. It's been 30 since we've been that way. This morning they were at it bright and early and we came back about noon after lunch at the LT. The LT is a local hangout for food, drink and visiting (gossip?? Nah. :) ) Came back to the park and I got the Advanage out and happily took all the oil off everywhere. Ahhhhh! Life is good!

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