Jul 25, 2009

Is there a monster being created???

OK so Ken learned about Facebook on the 16th and began farming on the 17th..............
Back up 3 years:  Me:  "Are you SURE you don't want us to be a two computer family?"
Him: "Yes, I'm SURE!!  I want some peace and quiet.  One computer is enough."
THE PRESENT:  I have a job and a convention to put on when we get to Wyoming.  I NEED to have a computer I can use.  All of a sudden Ken is out of bed just before 7 a.m. and on the computer.  AND all of a sudden he is staying up LATE: working on the computer.  He LOVES FB and farming.  So I called Whit and told her to take the spare tower to the Best Buy Geeks; dump EVERYTHING off it: nuke up the RAM and meet us in Lander.  Oh and bring a router - we're going to have us a NETWORK.  I'm afraid I may have to go to jail for manslaughter if he doesn't get off my computer.  :)  Oh well, into every life...............and all that.

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